The Dentist visit

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Anne's POV
It has been 6 months since my kids had a dentist appointment, so I booked them one for tomorrow. I have a fifteen year old son, Niall, a fourteen year old son, Liam, I also have another son who is twelve his name is Harry, and finally I have a daughter named Amber who is also 12 since they're twins. *In the morning* Since it was the morning, I wake up and I get out of bed. I head downstairs to see Amber and Niall eating fruit. "Good morning." I say heading into the kitchen. "Good morning mom." They both say. I sit across from them and I grab an apple from the basket. I clean it off and I start to eat it. "Are the other two awake?" I ask and they shake their heads. "Ok, you all have a dentist appointment." I say and they both nod. Amber finishes and cleans her bowl before putting it into the dish washer of dirty dishes. "I'm going to go wake up Hazza and Li."Amber says and we nod.

Amber's POV
I head upstairs and I go into Harry's room. "Haz, it's time to wake up." I say. "No." He whines. "We all have a dentist appointment today and mom wants you up." I say and he slowly gets out of bed. He goes downstairs and I go to Liam's room. "Li, it's time to get up." I say. "Ok." He says and gets out of bed. "We have a dentist appointment today." I say and he nods before heading downstairs. I go into my room and I grab clothes. I go into the bathroom and I take a quick shower. Once I was done I put my clothes on. I leave the bathroom with my clothes in my hand and I head back into my room. I place my dirty clothes into the hamper and I sit onto my bed. I grab my brush and I start to brush my hair. After I got all of the knots out, I placed my hair into a ponytail.

Harry's POV
As me and Liam finish eating breakfast, we clean our bowls and we place them into the dish washer with the other dirty dishes. I go upstairs and I get dressed. I head into the bathroom where all us meet to brush our teeth. As I get to the back, I wince softly and nobody noticed which was a good sign. After we were done, we go back into our rooms. I grab my phone and I place my sneakers on. I go downstairs to see everyone at the door.

Anne's POV
Harry comes downstairs and we all head into the car. We all get buckled in, and I drive off to the clinic. *At the clinic* Once we were at the clinic, we all get out of the car and we go into the clinic. I go over to the receptionist and to sign them in. After giving their names and info, I sit next to them. Soon Amber gets called back and heads back with Dr.Malik.

Amber's POV
My name gets called shortly after our mom signs us in and I head back with Dr.Malik. "Hey Amber." He says motioning me to sit onto the dental chair. I sit onto the chair and he places a bib around my neck. "Hello." I say. "So have you been feeling pain?" He asks and I shake my head. "That's good." He says and I nod. He tilts the chair back and grabs a mirror and explorer. "Open." He instructs and I obey. I open my mouth and he places the tools inside of my mouth. "Wow you do a good job at brushing your teeth." He says taking the tools out of my mouth. "Thanks." I say. *After the cleaning* Once my cleaning was done, he hands me a toothbrush and I go into the waiting room where Niall and Liam were already done. "No cavities." I say and they nod. "Same." They both say. "Hazza, has a cavity though." Niall says. "What?" I says shocked. "He won't let the dentist extract it." Liam adds. Dr.Tomlinson walks out and comes over to us. "Harry still won't budge, can one of you try to calm him down?" He asks and I nod. I follow him into a room where Harry was crying on the dental chair. "Hazza, it's alright." I say and he shakes his head. "I don't want an extraction." He whines more tears flowing down his cheeks. Our mother walks over to me and pats my shoulder before walking out.

Harry's POV
My mother walks over to Amber and pats her shoulder before leaving the room. "Harry, I'm right here." She says and I shake my head. "I don't want this." I say.  Dr.Tomlinson whispers something to Amber, and she nods. He goes over to a machine and brings it over. He places a nub over my nose and all I remember was that Amber told me to breathe before passing out.

Amber's POV
Dr.Tomlinson puts a nub over Harry's nose and soon Harry passes out. Dr.Tomlinson grabs a mouth prop and pries Harry's mouth open. He places the mouth prop in and grabbing a syringe. He inserts the needle in, and takes it out after a few seconds. He then grabs dental pliers and clamps it around the tooth. He starts by tugging the tooth in till it came out. After a few more tugs there was a popping noise. He places the tooth onto the tray and takes the nub off. "Your all free to go." He says leaving the room. I go out to the waiting room and I tell them to come back. Liam and Niall come back and we help Harry to the waiting room where mom takes him from us. We get to the car and she places him in the back with us. Once she buckled Harry in and got buckled herself, she drove back home. "Mhm?"Harry asks as he starts to wake up. "How do you feel Haz?"I ask. "My mouth hurts."He says and I nod. *At home* Once we were home, me and Liam helped him into his room where he just laid on his bed and soon started to drift of to sleep. Once he was asleep, me and Liam go to our rooms where we just hanged out for the rest of the day.

Double Update! I hope you enjoyed and Ill see you next time! Is it just me or does it look like he has braces because when I first saw this, I was so confused. Tell me your thoughts in the comment section. Bye!

-Amber K. 💖

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