Big Bro is in Pain! 😰

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Anne's POV
I recently seen my 15 years old son, Harry, has been having some mouth pains, so I booked him dentist appointment that is in 3 hours. I head upstairs to tell Harry and my 9 year old daughter, Amber, to get ready. "Amber?" "Yea mother?" She asks. "We have to leave in an hour so can you get ready?" She nods and I get her clothes to wear. Next was Harry's room. "Harry?" I say walking into his room. "What?" "We have to go somewhere in an hour, so get dressed and brush your teeth." He nods shutting his laptop. *After everyone was ready* "Mom we're ready!" Harry shouts from the top stair. I nod and they come downstairs. I grab my car keys and my wallet with my phone in it. Harry has his phone in is pocket and Amber had her iPhone in her hand. "Let's go!" I say heading to the car. They follow and get in the car. "Where are we going mom?" Amber asks. "Somewhere not exciting. I say. Amber nods and goes onto her phone. *At clinic* "Mom what are we doing here?" Harry asks looking up at his phone. "Amber has an appointment ." I say and he nods. We go into the clinic and I got up to the receptionist to sign Harry in. Once I'm done I sit next Amber. *A few minutes go by* "Harry Styles?" A female calls.

Harry's POV
"Harry Styles?" I female calls. My mom takes my hand and we follow the nurse to a room. Once we were at the room my mom and the nurse motion me to sit in the chair. This appointment wasn't for Amber, it was for me. I sit in the chair nervously and the nurse puts a bib around my neck. "The dentist will be in, in a few minutes." The nurse says leaving. "Mom why would you make this appointment?!" I ask upset. "I know your mouth has been hurting so I made you this appointment." She says with guilt in her eyes.

Amber's POV
I am currently in the waiting room of the dentist office with my uncle Danny and I am petrified. "Love, your brother is going to be ok." He tells me. I shake my head." No he's not." "He will, your going to see him later. I still shake my head and I go on my phone. "I'm gonna text your mom really quick to see if I can bring you out." He says rubbing my back. I nod and he starts texting my mom.

Danny's POV (Conversation)

A-Anne D-Danny

D:Hello Anne
A:Hey is everything ok?
D:Yea Amber is scared for her brother but I was wondering if I could bring Amber out somewhere in till your done or I can bring her home to you?
A:Ok, I'll text you when we're done. I'm sorry to hear that.. 😭
D:Ok see you soon!
D:Bye good Luck!!
A:Thanks cya later!

Harry's POV
The dentist walks in when my mom starts putting her phone away. "Hello!" He says. "Hello." Me and my mom both say. "Ok so, Harry, I've heard that your mouth has been hurting." I nod and my mom rubs my hand. The dentist puts on gloves and puts his mask up. He tilts the chair and I start to cry. "Please don't cry, I won't hurt you." He says reassuring me. I nod and I lean back. "Open." The dentist says grabbing the tools. I obeyed and opened. He taps each tooth while I cringe at the metal banging at my teeth. He gets to the back where my mouth has been hurting and taps my two teeth. I yelp when the metal comes in contact with my sore teeth. I close my mouth and start whimpering. "Harry it seems that you have two cavities." I nod in disappointment. "How can they be treated?" My mom asks. "They are so deep that the only option is to extract them." I nod and I start to cry. "Haz, don't cry." My mom says rubbing my hand. "I'll go get the tools." We nod and he leaves the room. "Where is Amber?" "She's out with uncle Danny." I nod. The dentist then comes in with a new tray of tools and places them on the counter so he can move the other ones. Once he got the tools he explained that he was going to numb me and then he would just extract both teeth. We both nod and he prepares the syringe. He was done within a minute or two so he tilted the chair back and came over to me with a syringe in his hands. Did he really think I would let him put that in my mouth, hell nah. "Open." I shook my head. "Harry." My mother said in a stern voice. "I don't want that in my mouth." I say shaking my head. "You need to." I still shake my head. The dentist whispers something to my mom and she nods. He grabs something from the cabinets and places it on the tray. "Harry please open your mouth." I shake my head. My mom then nods to the dentist and he grabs a scissor looking tool. My mom pinches my nose and he puts a mouth prop in. He then picks up the syringe again and comes near me with. I shake my head and start to cry. "Haz,its only one little pinch and that's it." My mom said rubbing hand. I nod and he picks up the syringe again. Once the needle went into the tissue of my gums I whimpered. "Your almost done." My mom insures me. I nod and he takes the needle out. "Ok the worst part is over." My mom said. "I'll let you two talk while the anesthesia works. I nod and I go onto my phone.


H:Where are you?
A:I'm out with Uncle Danny.
H:Where though?
A:I'm at the mall.
A:What do you want?
H:Help me!
A:Too bad you scared the shit out of me and your going to pay.
H:I'm sorry I didn't know
A:It's fine but seriously what's gonna happen?
H:He just numbed me and he needs to extract both of my teeth.
A:Oh my I'm sorry to hear that.
H:Please help me.
A:I can't.
A:I'm at the mall didn't you hear me the first time.
H:I did but I mean why don't you tell him that you need to come here?
A:He already told mom that he was going to take me out and she told him that she would text him when you were done.
H:Oh fuck!
H:My mouth hurts and is numb as fuck!
A:Oh shit.
H:What do I do? I'm freaking out!?
A:I don't know just don't freak out.
H:I can't 😭
H:It hurts god damnit!
H:No don't leave!
A:I have to go
A:Uncle Danny is watching over me.
A:Bye 😭
H:Ok cya 😭


The dentist walks in just as I was putting my phone away. "Ok Harry are you numb yet?" I nod whimpering. "You ready to begin?" He asks. I nod and he puts a new pair of gloves on. He tilts the chair back and grabs dental pliers. "Open." He says and I do. He clamps it around the first tooth and starts to wiggle it. I didn't like this feeling so I try to reach his hand but that made a nurse have to hold me down and my mom was kicked out. So right now there were about 10 nurses holding me down and my mouth was being held open with a mouth prop. I whimper and I try to fight the nurses. The dentist then tells me to lean back so I do and he starts to stitch up where my first tooth was. He then clamps my other tooth and pulls on it. I whimper as he wiggles my tooth. "Hurt?" I nod and he grabs the syringe again. He numbs me back up with it and starts again. He then starts tugging more so I push my hands to get away from the nurses. "Harry, calm down." I nod and the dentist tells me to lean back again and I do. He starts to stitch up the other hole and puts cotton in my mouth. The nurses let me go while he let's my mom back in. Me and mom leave and we head home. Once we get home we see Uncle Danny's car in the front of the house. "I guess they're here." My says chuckling." "Cool." I try saying through the cotton. We get out of the car and we head inside to see Danny on the couch on his phone. "Where's Amber?" My mom asks. "She was crying a lot so she went into her room to take a nap." We nod and I head upstairs. As I got to Amber's door, I knocked and I went in. Since she was still sleeping I sit in her chair and I went onto my phone. "Who's that?" Amber asked waking up. I stood quiet. "Kitten, go back to sleep." I say going over to her and rubbed her back. "Hazzy, is that you?" "Yes it is." I say while she starts to go back to sleep. "Haz, want to cuddle?" She asks. "Sure." I say while getting in bed with her. "Are you better?" I nod knowing what she meant. "I always will be." I say kissing her cheek. "I love you." We both say. "I thought you were hurt." "I was but now that I'm with you, I feel much better." I say. "Why are you eating cotton?" "I'm not, it was to stop the bleeding." "Blood?"She asks confused. "The dentist pulled them out so there was blood and he didn't want me to choke on it so he put cotton in my mouth." She nods and she looks at me with sadness in her eyes trying to play osay that she never wants to see my like this again. "It's alright." I say and she looks away from my gaze. "Ok."She says. "Go back to sleep, kitten."I say. "No."She says. "Come on you need some rest."I say. "You need more rest than I do."She says. "How about we just cuddle?"I suggest and she nods. "Ok."She says. So we cuddled for the rest of the night.

Hey!!!!!! Double Update!! Whoo!
I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you soon!!!!!!!!

-Amber K. 💓✨

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