Chapter 14

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The next day Ariana had been at her dads house and Ariel spent the night there yesterday. Ariel had smiled as Randy picked her up and put her up on his shoulders with ease. Ariana laughs and Randy picks Ariana up bridal style and holds her. The girls giggle and laugh. Ray had laughed at his son.

"Just like your old man Randy."

Randy chuckles a bit nervously and smiles. "I guess."

Ariana gets down and lands like spiderman and laughs and so does Ariel. They laugh and Ray rolls his eyes. Ariana looks over at her aunt and smiles. Angelina gives her a thumbs up and smiles. Ariel sighs as Randy sets her down.

"I'll be right back guys!" She runs off and Ariana follows her.

"Is it an emergency?"

"No.... I just had a thought."

"About what?"


Ariana was a bit shocked and smiled and whispers something in her ear. Ariel blushes so hard and pushes Ariana away. Ariana was laughing so hard because of Ariel and Ariel was just standing there silent.

"So you do want that!!"

"Ariana shut up right now!!!!!"


Ray and Randy walk in. "What the heck is going on?"

"Ariana said something about Harold and I!"

"You know it's gonna happen eventually cuz!"

Ariel growls a little and leaves the house. She walks to AJ and George's house and knocks on the door. George answered and he lets Ariel in and Ariel went to see AJ. AJ had smiled and hugged her friend. George had grinned and waved.

"Hi Ariel."

"Hey George, hey AJ."

AJ had let go of Ariel and sat on the couch. "So what brings ya here?"

"Ariana is just getting on my nerves."

"About what?"

"Harold and I."

George started laughing hard and then fell to the ground laughing. Ariel had proccessed this in her mind and gave him a glare and AJ was confused. Ariel had shook her head and George was just laughing.

Ariel looked at him. "You told Ariana to say that didn't you?"
"Nope! She told me that she was gonna say it."

"This is why you can't trust your cousins or friends!"

AJ laughs along with George.

~At Harold's place~

Harold had knew what he was gonna do now. He was gonna ask Ariel to go to her favorite place, the park, and ask her to marry him. He was gonna need help though and he was gonna face his fear. Harold was kinda freaking out, but he calmed down. He had walked to Ariel's and went in and saw Mr. Krupp.

"Hi Mr. Krupp."

Mr. Krupp turned around and saw Harold. "Hello Harold. If you're looking for Ariel she's not here."

"Actually I came here to talk to you."

Mr. Krupp was a bit confused now and set his newspaper down. "For what?"

"I-I was asking if I could have your blessing to marry Ariel..."

"I don't see why not. You've never hurt her or anything. It's okay with me." He smiled.

Harold was a bit shocked. "Are you okay Mr. Krupp?"

"Do that again and I'll just say no."

Harold was a bit relieved and grinned. "Thank you Mr. Krupp." He knew that Angelina was okay with it because he had asked her before Ariel's birthday party.

Mr. Krupp nodded you're welcome and Harold left happy. Mr. Krupp kinda became a little sad, but he was happy for Ariel.

~2 hours later~

AJ had received a call from Harold. He told her everything about asking Ariel and AJ fangirled so much. AJ was so happy and she didn't say a word to Ariel. George had heard though and smiled. Ariel was bored and had went home. Harold called her.

"Hey Ari! Wanna go out for dinner?"

"Sure! When?"

"Okay I'll be there soon. Get ready."

"Alright bossy." She hangs up and chuckles.

Ariel gets ready and just in time because Harold arrived five minutes after. Harold smiled and held Ariel's hand.

"Shall we go my lady?"

"Yes we shall."

They both go to Olive Garden to eat and then they go to the park. Ariel sat under a tree and played some of her favorite music. She had looked at Harold and saw him nervous.

"Harold? What's wrong?"

"I just wanted to ask you something." He sighed and pulled out a litlte box and opens it showing a diamond ring.

Ariel gasped a little and put a hand to her mouth. "Harry?"

"Ariel Krupp, will you make me the happiest man alive.... and marry me?"

Ariel nodded and started tearing up a little. "Yes!" She hugged Harold tightly and kisses him.

Just as they were enjoying there moment. A big robot makes it's way to the park. Harold facepalms and Ariel laughs a bit. He looks at Ariel confused and Ariel looks at him then back at the robot.

"Best. Day. Ever."

AJ and George show up and smile as they see the ring on Ariel's finger. "Good job Harold."

The four goes to fight the robot in their suits. In 20 minutes the robot was defeated and everyone was safe and thankful for these heros saving them. They get interviewed and then change back and just go back home like any average day. Angelina is happy when Ariel walks in and she sees the ring on her finger.

"Yes! My little girl is engaged!"

"Yep mom." Ariel chuckles.

Harold hugs Ariel. "I can't wait for the wedding."

"Me either."

"When do you want to have it."

"As soon as possible."

Angelina raised her hand and said, "I'll plan the wedding!"

Harold and Ariel laugh then walk up to her room. They both fall asleep and get ready for bed.

That's it guys! I'm done with this book! I might be making a third one, I'm not sure yet. If I do make a third one I'll let you all know. Hope you liked this book. That's all for now guys! Bye!

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