Oh, You're Stuck with Me

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The storyline was made be me but the characters used belong to their respective owners.

Italics is when something is in the past.

~The mid-air squiggly lines show what someone is thinking, and you guess who.~

Author’s Note: The settings for this story are in the time, culture, and biome of Japan in the medieval era, but is not the actual country itself because I don't have time to research the regions of that time or learn the geography.

“And you're sure he's here?”


“Asshole better be, or I'll hit ‘im where it hurts.”

“Whoa, there's no need for that! I sometimes wanna punch him, but never below the belt!”

“I meant his wallet!”

“Guys, we're making a scene.”

Terasaka-san and Maehara-san stopped yelling after I said that. We had to find our target ~?~, Akabane Karma, and bring him back home. But that's easier said than done as me, Okano-san, Terasaka-san, and Maehara-san have been trying to find him for about the entirety of summer. We were lucky he left a trail at all. The reason behind this search and retrieve was because his brother was coming to “visit” on the last day of summer and if Karma-kun wasn't there by then, “there will be repercussions.” ~His words not mine~

“Nagisa-kun, hurry up!” shouted Okano-san, as I saw her and the others wait in the archway to an Inn. It wasn't very lavish but the place huge in area, with a main building and a few guest houses. Also if Karma-kun was staying here then they must be good at keeping secrets. As we walked through the main courtyard, we are greeted by ~possibly~ the Inn's head manager. “Excuse me, but are no rooms and the houses are all full. You must go find lodging elsewhere.” Terasaka-san then started to argue with him, about trying to do our job. I was about to interject when a sandel hit Terasaka-san in the back of the head. “Terasaka, what did I tell you about picking fights without my permission~?” Our attention was turned to the familiar voice behind us to find none other than Lord Akabane Karma. Normally Terasaka-san would have been yelling at Karma-kun if not for two factors: we're in public, so cursing at him would raise a lot of red flags. Then there was someone hiding their face close behind him, which is alarming. Guy hardly lets anyone even within an arm's length of him. I look back to the manager and find him tense.

“Sir welcome back, your house is prepared along with your possessions.”

“Why thank you. Oh, I’ll be expecting a few deliveries before the first light and need wagon prepared for my departure an hour after… oh and the idiots are with me as well.” ~Classic Karma~

The manager looked a bit miffed for a second, “Of course, this way please.”  A child then ran up to grab the sandel and went to Karma-kun with a hand stuck out to him. “Cheeky little guy huh? Be careful, that can get you in trouble with the wrong people.” And with a smirk gave the kid a silver coin. Soon as it was in his hand, the kid booked it.

Then, with the manager in lead, we were all escorted to a guest house with an orange and purple theme. “The maids will come by later with more futons and dinner. There is a room to the left and right of here, along an outhouse in the back. Baths close in three hours. Will that be all Sir?” Karma-kun gave the place a once over before responding, “Yes; you are dismissed.” And with that, the manager left us in the main room. “Okano-san, why don't you and Okuda-chan head to the baths while you still can.” Okano-san nodded and looked to the person behind Karma-kun who finally showed her face. She was scared and didn't seem to even wanna move but did anyway to through the door on the right. When she came back out she had a bag, “Clothes.” Okano-san smiled at her and gave a motion for her to lead. When they left, Karma-kun hummed then sat down and so did the rest of us.

“… So, um- Karma… ”

“Who the hell is she?”

“Well the man I needed died.”

Maehara-san was the first to break the silence, “So… aside from that, we need to head back ASAP. The renovations, supplies, and decor have been done for a while.-”

“Asano came by I assume.”

We all nodded in unison, “ We don't got time to waste babysitting your new toy. Pack up and leave now-” A shoe hit Terasaka-san this time

“Remember who your Master is Terasaka. Also we have plenty of time.”

“UP YOUR ASS! There's not enough time for all of us plus the baggage to get back in time. It's 9 days till the Ass-hat arrives and even with the fastest route we’ll be barely hitting the mark.”

“No, three of you will take nine days, it'll take me and Nagisa-kun three.”

Oh I see, “So you want us to split up, but what about your… umm, who is she exactly?”

Maehara-san hummed in agreement, “She’s kinda cute but you don't really show interest in… anyone less their of some monetary use to you.”

“Well her father was the one I was looking for but like I said he died. In any case this trip wasn't completely useless, she has the same useful skills that I needed from the huntsman. Along with that, having a lucky Lady of the House is what I need.”

“Wait, what do you mean?”

He laughed at me “You'll see Nagisa-kun~. Now why did brother dearest stop by?”

“Other than the usual disdain in his greeting, nothing much.” Maehara-san along with me and Isogai-san had to deal with him that day.

I spoke up, “He had extra company, a Lady and her tenets.” A hum was my response, “Well then, it's everyone's bedtime right after dinner.”


“Survey the area before then, and Terasaka you're getting up to make sure that my delivery arrives on time. Maehara, no playboy shenanigans, and Okano-san is in charge.” while we were dumbstruck, Karma-kun went to the room on the left. Once his door shut Terasaka-san started to growl under his breath, slamming the door open as he left to follow out his orders.

“Wanna go check out the baths.”

It was right after that statement, a ink rock hit Maehara-san in the face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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