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Meaning of Feel Good Inc. lyrics (Verse 1)

Haha's in the start; All of the laughing found throughout the song could be representative of the Inc.'s overbearing and somewhat sadistic control over the people of the town.

The 'feel good's and the sha's; Additionally, the 'feels good' appears to be some kind of endorsement tagline by the corporation, basically doing all they can to attract people to succumb to their spell...

"City's breaking down on a camel's back; The City is collapsing and falling apart. This is also mentioned later on in the song.

"They just have to go 'cause they don't know wack.So while you fill the streets, it's appealing to see; 2D(I) is talking to the residents of this town who have been brainwashed by the evil Feel Good Inc. They are overwhelmed by their surroundings and seem to have no idea what is actually happening around them.He watches them "fill the streets" which means they continue on with their daily lives, oblivious as ever. He mocks them from a distance, taking pleasure in their misfortune.

"You won't get undercounted 'cause you're damned and free. You got a new horizon, it's ephemeral style. A melancholy town where we never smile; Since the song deals with escapism, this may be playing on the idea of a prison, since 'county' can refer to a geographical region, or it can refer to a prison in one of these regions.The people who act rebellious and edgy think they are living in total freedom, when in reality they are just as shackled as anyone else. All of the trends and fads come and go, but no one is better for them. They're only buying into the illusion of freedom.

"And all I wanna hear is the message beep; He awaits a glimmer of hope to take advantage of.

"My dreams, they got her kissing, 'cause I don't get sleep, no;  His dreams can go kiss his ass cause they will never become a reality due to his by the society forced lack of sleep.

"*beep*; This first instance of the hook is preceded by the answerphone 'beep', telegraphed at the end of the first verse. There's also a deliberate electrostatic sound throughout the hook, mimicking an answering machine cassette.

Thoughts by 2D : GORILLAZWhere stories live. Discover now