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Cayde-6 x Reader

     Pain split through her side as she ran, being under constant fire. But, she kept pushing through the gradually growing hordes of Taken; Hive and Fallen alike. Ace was in a bad predicament, and all this just over a stupid small shard of a special rock to hold an enemies soul! She continued to run, trying to find some sort of safe haven, to stop and rest and allow her ghost to help her recover enough to keep going, and to hopefully re-establish a COM connection to Cayde-6. The Vanguard she only wishes she could run to. Alas, there was no such thing as a break in these blasted tunnels! A Taken Knight stood before her, its glowing white eye catching her small form, releasing a loud cry as it launched its fiery saliva at her. Aces' eyes widened beneath her helm as she swiftly glided over to cover before she became toast. Firmly gripping the Scout Rifle, she turn the corner and began to fire in quick succession at the Knights head, taking it down swiftly. Yet again, Cayde crossed her mind, a wave of worry rushes over her. 'What if I don't make it?, What if I can't get this crystal back to the Vanguard?' Another Vandal down, and a relic found. My ghost suddenly spoke, making me jump a bit as I studied the relic curiously.

"These relics should help us unlock those doors, at least that's what Tolands' journal suggests."

I hummed in response as I took a quick look around to find the door unguarded. 

"Now is a good a time as any, eh Ghost?" I smiled a bit as my Ghost gave a hum of confirmation.

Quickly snatching the relic I sprinted towards the door of the familiar room, before placing the relic in its rightful place. The single lock burning into ash, as the charred chains fell to the ground, the fire now gone and the door opening. I readied my rifle in case they had planned to try and flood the room and attack me. But, there was nothing? I lowered my weapon, still on edge as I walked in, checking either side of the doors before fully stepping though them. Still nothing, but there was a relic right in front of me! Just as I was about to grab it, a loud roar echoed around the corridor, reverberating off the walls of the small room. Solar energy landing at my feet and crawling up my legs, burning my armor and lowering the shields steadily. I jumped away from the flames, instantly the fire disappearing from my legs, and my shields regenerating. I turned and glared at the knight before quickly disposing of it and continuing with the puzzles the Taken have thrown at me.


    She threw herself into cover, Captains throwing aura after aura of darkness to blind and disable her shields. She had unlocked the last door she needed, but the Taken had appeared right behind her just as the chains had fallen. The Captains slashing her with their swords and Vandals Shooting her from all around the corridor. It seemed it was their last attempt at smothering her light, because as soon as she took one out, another would take its place! (I had to ;3) Her ammo was completely gone, and not a single bullet could be found in the masses of Taken. She gasped in pain as another aura of darkness found her, stripping her of the protective shields. She pushed into her side to help prevent too much blood loss, and pushed herself from her cover sprinting towards the door, dodging as many blasts and thrall as possible. Panting heavily from the continuous pain and running, she made it out of the horrible dungeon. Falling to her knees she tried to catch her breath, but the blood loss and over exertion caught up to her, and a murky blackness flooded her vision. She passed out, falling to her stomach. Her vitals stooping to a dangerously low level, just as a guardian ship had landed and brought her in.

~<:At the Tower:>~

     "HOW COULD YOU HAVE SENT HER ON A SUICIDE MISSION, ERIS!?" Cayde shrieked making Eris wince slightly, and startling Zavala and Ikora at his sudden outburst.Quickly regaining composure, she rolled her eyes, the thick tattered cloth around her pale face making it barely visible to those around her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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