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A/n: towards the end there are sensitive stuff. Reader discretion is advised

Ian's POV:
Amelia's been in her room all day, we've checked on her and she's either been practicing her magic to herself or been reading up on potions and other stuff. Me and Anthony had been sitting on the couch being lazy all day.

Before we heard an explosion, causing us to clid heads "ow" I said before running to Amelia's room. "Are you ok honey" I asked as I opened the door. To see that she had fallen...well more like blasted. "I think I added one too many ingredients" she said lifting her arm up before coughing yellow smoke as she flopped it to the floor.

"Yeah I think you did honey" I said helping her up. I snorted when I saw her hair it looked like she had attempted an Afro but did it while being dragged through bushes. "Oh great and when I was thinking I was having a good hair day" she huffed seeing herself in her mirror. "You still look pretty" I smiled giving her a kiss ok her cheek as Anthony picked back up her chair and walked back out to the living room.

"Anyway what were you trying to make" I asked. "That one that I'm not going to attempt to pronounce" she said pointing to 'Kudibanisa iconcoction'. "Oh that's a confusing concoction elixir, it will make the drinker confused for a couple of hours" I explained "no wonder I can't make it, it makes you confused as you made it" she groaned.

"No just you don't get it yet that's all, look I'll show you" I said as I showed her how to do it. "But I did all of that and I double checked everything before I added it" she huffed frustrated crossing her arms. I did an inside chuckle. "It took me a couple of tries to get it, you'll get it adventurely, I'm sure of it" I smiled down at her.

"No I will never get it even if I've been only doing it for 5 days technically, minus the two days that you and Anthony were kids again" she said leaning on her desk. "I thought that at first too honey but you just have to keep pushing ok, best way is to keep practising it until you know everything off by heart" I assured her as I put my hand on her back.

"No it's the fact that I've never been good at anything apart from taking photos and stroking you and anthony on twitter, that's it" she said bowing her head. "Ah before we go into the depression zone, listen ok" I said as I took her hands, she looked up at me.

"You are going to do big things someday I just know it, but what you have to focus on now is making sure you can nail the basics and then after that you can move onto more advanced stuff ok. This would of been easier for you if you had came back to me earlier years than now, but hey ho your doing good so far you just need to keep practising ok" I smiled.

She smiled before hugging me, I hugged her back tightly. "I'll never stop trying no matter how many times it takes" she said with hope and determination in her voice. 'I wish my mum and dad would have been this supportive as I am, but then they did it so I would be the best that I can be but, is this putting pressure that she doesn't what or need' I thought as I doubted myself.

"Just ask if you need any help ok" I smiled pulling away. "And we still have to figure out your third power yet so I would suggest to read up on it after we watch a movie and had dinner ok" I added. "Yeah I could do with a break and some grub" she laughed. "Come on then" I smiled as I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. "Hey what are you doing put me down" she laughed waving her legs and hitting my back lightly.

I put her down on Anthony as he got winded. "Arrrr dude, warning next time" he groaned as Amelia's moved off him before snuggling up to him. "I thought you said that you had good reflexes" I chuckled as I continued with dinner. "I do when I'm not watching movies" he huffed playfully, while snuggling up with Amelia more. It made me smile that both my prides and joys are finally in the same place, the way I like it.

I finished and plated it up, it was Devine I didn't know I could cook food this good. None of us spoke a word while we shoved the delicious food in are mouths. We were soon done and with are belly's full we snuggled up on the couch together as we started to drift off into a calming sleep.


I was back in my room at my parents, everything looked so new and friendly having all my toys around me and teddies. This was better than what it was after we moved.

Suddenly the door flew open "you little bastered" dad shouted as he walked over to me and slapped me. "What was that for" I asked close to tears. "For NOT listening to me, for NOT obeying me, for SHOWING what you truly are a freak along side people who are normal, you will never fit in none of us will as long as we have these abilities and that we can do what people here can't" he said before hitting me even harder, I could feel tears run down my face as I crouched in the corner.

"your an out cast and that's all you'll be, the kids will laugh at you, tease you, they will make fun of you and your too much of a wimp to stop them, as now for your room you don't need toys or teddies all you need is your books and elixir stuff" he said before hitting me again. I let out little sobs and cris hoping that mum would come in and stop him from taking my stuff.

"Shut up unless you want another slap" he threatened I could feel myself shaking of what he would do. "Now I'll let you keep Miss hugsalot as grandad gave her to you and that's it, got it" he scolded before chucking the bear at me. I swiftly grabbed it and held it close, it made me a little better of what was happening. Before I knew it he had taken out everything replacing it with books and bottles.

"At least I still have you" I sighed to myself before getting hit again. "WHAT is this, why are all these Ds and Es, I expected more from you,  a Hecox not a like your little poor friend Padilla, I want you to stop all of this and just focus on your school work you don't need friends" he said sounding more aggressive than last time.

"But dad his not poor, you don't like him because he can't do the same stuff as us" I cried before getting slapped even harder than the last two times. "Mummy daddy's hitting me again" I sobbed as I cried out for anyone. "Oh your such a fucking wimp aren't you, fun fact mummy's not in" he said grabbing me and chucking me into a pile of books.

"You are not coming out until you learn not to talk back, got it" he said hitting me one last time before storming out slamming the door. I crouched into a ball, hoping this was just a bad dream as I cuddled miss hugsalot.

-end of dream-

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was cuddling onto Amelia, I smiled as my brain thinks of her as my new Miss hugsalot. Also wiredly me and Anthony were holding hands as well. I smiled even more as I gripped it tighter and so did he. I smiled knowing that it will be ok and that it was just a dream of what had happened.

I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

All was well.......

The happeningsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora