Chapter 4

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(A/N:sorry for not updating my lovely people but I see that you guys want my to continue this book so I well welp hope you enjoy, later

Okay so the bell had just rang and everyone was now going to there classroom.

'Okay (Y/N) here they come just stay clam stay cool and finish this day the best as you can.... hopefully' I thought that's when Adrien came in and with another boy as they sat besides/between me

'Oh man' I thought as I blush

"Hey (Y/N)!" Adrien said

"Huh?" I said as I look him

"I said hey (Y/N)" he said as he took his seat

"Huh oh um h-hello" I said shyly while looking down

"Um are you Okay?" I heard Adrien ask in a worry tone

"Um I'm f-fine.... I guess" I said until someone spoke up who made me jump a little

"Adrien are you going to introduce me?" A boy that's right beside me said that kinda look like a DJ

"Oh sorry Nino, (Y/N) this is Nino, Nino this is (Y/N)" Adrien said as I look at um 'Nino'

"Hey there dudette" Nino said as he extended his hand out waiting for me to shack it, but all I did was look at his hand, then him, then I put my head down waiting for the teacher arrival.

'What is up with this girl?' I thought while looking at Nino who gave me *is she OK?* look all I did was shrugged my shoulder as he just nod his head in understanding then hen took out his phone for awhile, but as in for me I look at (Y/N)

"Um hey (Y/N)" I said as I got her action as she look up at me

"You have a beautiful voice back there" I said with a small blush, but as in for her, her whole face turn red as she then cover her face with a text book

'Huh did I say something wrong?' I thought while having a worry face

'OMG OMG OMG O.M.G why would he said that!?!?' I though while covering my face with a text book

'But I just don't understand why is he being so nice to me or the other boy, that just isn't right... Isn't it?' I thought as I put the book down and groan quietly until I felt something crawling on me

'Huh?' I thought as I look up a little to see a small spider crawling on my arm most people would had freak out, but as in for me all I would smile at it with a small giggle as it tickle my skin

'*giggle* why aren't you the cutest thing ever?' I thought as it crawl up my hand and landed on my thumb

'*giggle* why aren't you the cutest thing ever?' I thought as it crawl up my hand and landed on my thumb

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