The battle of Chicago begins

Start from the beginning

They follow close behind us as we drove down the motorway to the city.

I pulled out my phone and was about to contact Will when I realized I had no service. "Looks like we're on our own." I said as I put my phone away

As we where coming into the city limits the we started to see ash and destroyed cars everywhere. People where running down the highway, screaming in fear, soon we where able to see the building and most of them had be destroyed.

Chicago was in ruins.

As we got closer we could see Desepticon ships around the city. In short, Chicago was a battle field, and we where loosing.

Not long after we got into outer city limits, we where unable to go any further. "Looks like we're on foot." I said as we got out.

I grabbed my gun from out of the back and started to walk with the rest of the group.

Epps went up to what used to be a building to see where we where and how to get through.

Soon he herd the sound of drones come by but where soon shot down.

"We can here to find her in the middle of that?" Epps yelled down where where he stood. I looked to Sam and he looked determined but also scared.

"I'm not going in there." Eddie said and Epps came back down to us.

"No one's going in." Epps said and Sam butted in.

"I am. With or without you, I'll find her." He said as he walk off and I shook my head.

"Sam, it's a war zone in there. We don't have the numbers to even take on one Con let alone how many there are in the city. We'll get killed. You'll get killed." I said stressing the 'you'll' as I ran after him and grabbed him back his pack.

"(Y/n), I got her into this mess. She's here because of me. I'm gonna go save her." He said as he turned around and glared at me.

"Sam, we don't even know if she's alive." I said in almost a whisper as I looked at Sam's sad face.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Incoming!" Eddie yelled as we herd engines come close to us. I looked away from Sam and saw one of the ships come towards us.

I grabbed Sam and pushed him towards the semi intact buildings as it fired at us. I then pushed Sam to the ground as the ship cane to close to us.

Soon something started to fire at it, causing it to crash. I pulled Sam and up and away from where it crashed.

As the Con started to smash it's way out of the crashed ship.

I herd heavy footsteps come from behind us and a familiar voice I though I would never hear again.

"We will kill them all."

Soon the sound of car engines where herd the the wreckers came around the corner and started to pull the Con apart.

"Your leaders will now understand. Decepticons will never leave your planet alone. And we need them to believe we had gone. For today, in the name of freedom, we take the battle to them!" Optimus said and I started up at him, not believing it one bit.

I then realized that is Optimus is here, so I Bee.

As I thought that I saw a familiar yellow and black car drive down the road and transformed and stopped in front of us.

I felt tears in my eyes as I walked over to the now kneeling Bumblebee. I slowly walked over to him and then broke into a run and hugged him as best as I could.

"I though I lost you." I mumble and I felt a large hand on my back.

"I didn't leave." I herd him say. I smiled and hugged him tighter.

I pulled away from the hug and looked up at his blue optics. "I thought you went down with the ship. I watched it blow up." I said and looked around at everyone.

"The ship?" One of the wreckers who sounded Irish, Roadbuster, spoke up. "We were never in the ship! We designed the damn thing, didn't we." He said pulling the part of the Con he was holding apart and throwing it off to the side.

"We were hidden in the first booster rocket to separate. Splashed down back in the Atlantic, just as planned. We ain't going nowhere." Leadfoot spoke up.

I then here the voice of two familiar mini bots and looked at Epps' car to see Brains and Wheelie hanging out the window.

Optimus then looked down at us and spoke up once again. "They're surrounding the city to make a fortress, so that no one can see what they're up to inside. Our only chance is the element of surprise." He said and I looked towards Sam and then back up to Optimus.

"I think I know where to look."

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