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Ally Rose

"Are you fucking kidding me" I said running down the stairs

"Baby Lave-" I stop him

"Don't you dare call me Lavender ever again!" I yell

"I'm sorry Baby... I-"

"Was I boring to you!? Was I not good enough!? She's way prettier than me so that's probably why you chose her over me" I cried

"We are done Ethan. Don't ever come looking for me again" I said

"Ally please" I hear him cry

I leave and run to my car. I open it and drive to the abandoned mall. I cry on the way there.

Ethan Dolan

I messed up so bad. Why did I do this? It's because Moana told me that she'll tell me that I cheated on her and since they are best friends Ally would believe her

I like both of them but I love Ally more. I messed up

"Ethan leave that bitch. Come with me" Moana said smirking

"No! Get the hell away from me!" I yelled to her tears going down my face

"This is what you made me do!" I yell crying

"You deserved it. It was your decision on cheating on her" Moana shrugged

"You told me that-" I stopped

"You just wanted me and Ally to break up" I said furrowing my eyebrows

"You're so dumb Ethan. How couldn't you know that from the beginning" Moana said smirking and laughing

"Fuck off Moana" I said

"My job here is done" she said laughing evilly

I shut the door and fall to the floor crying

"Ethan Grant Dolan" my mom said

I didn't answer instead I just cried

"Why Ethan? I thought you changed" mom said

"I did but Moana said that she'll tell Ally that I cheated on her if I told her that I was with her and... I just didn't know what to do" I cried

"I liked both of them but I loved Ally Paine Rose" I said crying

"I'm sorry e" mom said sighing and going back into the kitchen


Short asf chapter but you guys wanted it ;)

dolannateaiono gave me the greatest idea ever to double update! Thanks babe

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Lavender || Ethan Dolan|✔️|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang