Midnight x female reader

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Okay I wanted to thank animeconquerer  for requesting a this I had fun writing it. It might be trash but it was trash I made. Also if you love my hero academia books or one shots go look at hers it's great!

Oh I couldn't wait For the sports festival not only do I get to scope out potential inters for my hero company, but also one of the heroes Midnight I'm definitely crushing on! She might have signed with my company but being the person on top means I just make sure everything is good with the people I signed.
I got to the sports festival a little well very early so I can get a front row seat to see them in action. Damn I have the biggest woman crush on her, who am I kidding I'm a lesbian and have a crush on her.
They were finishing setting up when I saw Midnight prepping the stadium. I waved to her hopefully she'll notice. Midnight yelled to me "Hey boss, come to see the first year in person! You know it's supposed to be one hell of a sports festival!" She had winked as she said the last part, I was ready to faint right there and god damn I felt my face burn up. All I could do was nod like an idiot as she turned away, and god damn did she look good in her hero costume.

~Time skip to when the festival starts brought to you by my lazy ass~

I watched in awe how Midnight conducted the whole event and also the first years have some damn good quirks! Wow did she look good, I wonder does she like men, or women I mean she is a beautiful super hero who wouldn't have trouble finding someone. Hmm but why isn't she with anyone...I got it maybe she does like girls and can't say anything because it would ruin her image. Nope that's not it I'm just an idiot in love hoping for the best which won't happen.
I laid back in my seat taking my head out of the clouds. There where taking a break, good I need to go. I get up to leave and saw someone I didn't recognize, I know most of the heroes but this one didn't ring a bell. So what's the harm in following him could be dangerous and I wasn't some defenseless person.
I follow this person making sure he didn't notice my presence. We got further and further into the stadium till I saw him putting something on the wall. It looked as if he was putting in a code I watched closely but couldn't make it out.
Then he left it there moving on around the corner I decided to move in and see what he had done. I looked at it, it was an explosive I have no clue where to start to decode or stop it from exploding. I inspected it closer and found a PR on it, I knew this. It seemed so familiar a hero no way it was a villain but who.
I knew this marking it was in one of the incident report I had to read, Midnight was the one who wrote it up. Why can't I remember then it hit me "PIRO!" I yelled the name damn it. Did he hear me. (Btw it's a fake villain I made up so don't go looking for who it is.)
"Dead end miss (y/n)," that was it he was behind me with knife to my back. "I thought a real hero was following me but no just a company owner who signs heroes, lucky me! Now some heroes will fall because there president (y/n) is missing, how delightful!" He was laughing it scared me I know he'll kill me he is a villain.
I can fight him I know I can! My hair was long enough I sharpened my hair to a point sharp enough to kill. It would be easy just whip me hair while turning around, then I'll slice his arm or neck to wound him badly enough to get away.
This was it I turn "TOO BAD YOU WON'T HAVE THE PLEASURE OF KILLING ME!" I had done it I got his neck. Piro was coughing up blood he looked at me as if he were to kill and got up to stab me but then I heard him say "Wrong move (y/n)," I heard an explosion. Also a heavily voice "(Y/N) IT'LL BE OKAY, YOUR GOIG TO LIVE" it was Midnight....Crying? After that it got all hazy.
I woke up in a white room and turned to see recovery girl. She smiled at me "Don't worry (y/n) you'll be fine you had bruising, blood lose, oh and a broken rib. Nothing my kiss can't heal! You now just need to rest."
I turned back over I'm too tired I was drowsily falling asleep until I heard yelling? "LET ME SEE (Y/N)!" It was Midnights voice, "Midnight calm down you have a sports festival to finish," then the door swung open. It was Midnight she ran over to me "(Y/n) I'm so glad too see your okay, what were you thinking following a villain like that no one was there to protect you I WASN'T THERE TO PROTECT YOU!" She had hugged me my face was red I couldn't take it.
All I could muster to say was "Midnight i-it wasn't your fault." "NO IT WAS IF I WAS THERE I COULD HAVE PROTECTED YOU IF YOU WERE MINE!" I couldn't process what she had said hers me hers?
She pulled away crying and smiling, and said "Well (y/n) I went and told you," she turned to leave I couldn't let it end like that.
I grabbed her arm and pulled her down into a kiss, God was it nice, it was a kind and loving kiss. She had been in shock and her face was red a beautiful site to see.
So how was that? I read and respond to all comments! Also I was thinking about doing a Bakugou lemon x reader. Tell me if you have any suggestions!
Bye till next time

My hero academia x reader one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora