Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Trent trudged through the crowded dance floor, towing a confused Mackenzie behind him in his wake. His temper was balancing on edge, and it took every ounce of control he possessed not to jump into his cruiser and hunt that fucking miserable son of a bitch down. How could Justin have done that to such a sweet innocent girl? The asshole deserved to have his balls removed. No wonder she was scared shitless of getting involved in another relationship, let alone having sex. A vision of what Mackenzie's face must have looked like while cringing in pain as Justin mercilessly took her grabbed hold of him, and it damned near made him want to puke.

He wasn't going to think about that. He was having enough trouble trying not to think about the way Mackenzie's face had lit up like the Fourth of July when he popped her beautiful bottom or how he dreamed of seeing her ass presented in the air for him to turn rosy under his palm. All the while she'd been eating, Trent had carefully watched her every move, picturing all kinds of different scenarios in his mind. He loved the way her face looked when she had tasted the food he had brought to her waiting lips. The pleasure of the experience carried through her whole body, and he could easily imagine that same look on her face when she was on bended knees with her hands tied behind her back accepting his cock into that glorious mouth of hers.

Closing his eyes briefly, he pushed the fantasy aside with annoyance. After what she had been through, she didn't need to see that darker side of him. Right now, she needed to be treated with kid gloves and shown how a real man pleasures a woman he loves. From what he could discern from their little talk, Mackenzie hadn't been exposed to a lot of tenderness or affection from those who supposedly cared about her.

Apparently, not even her own parents had stepped up to the plate when it had mattered most. Trent made a disgusted sound in the back of his throat. He had felt completely eviscerated listening to her story. Everyone had failed this poor girl, and dammit, it was time someone put an end to it. If anyone needed affirmation of just how beautiful she was, it was Mackenzie. She needed to be able to relish in her natural sensuality as a woman and spread her wings so she could soar, but that would never happen if she remained tightly bound to the lies Justin had poisoned her with over the years. Whether she knew it or not, she needed him and Chase to protect her and show her the way. And, by God, come hell or high water, that's exactly what he was going to do.

The afternoon was quickly burning off to dusk, and the lights around the dance floor were bright enough to see by, but also dim enough to mask his game plan. Looking around, Trent took her to the furthest corner where the trees would help cast a deeper shadow. It was a perfect spot for a little seduction and for her to flex those wings and take a test flight in the safety of their arms.

"Stay here. I'll be right back," Trent said, positioning her on the edge of the dance floor. Mackenzie's mouth dropped open to respond, but he didn't want to take any chances of her being able to finagle her way out of his plans. Before she could utter a word, he hauled her up close and swiftly placed his lips over hers, letting his tongue do all the convincing she needed to heed his command. When she was stunned and panting, he released her, dropping a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. "Don't move from this spot."

Waiting until she gave him a dazed nod of agreement, he spun on his heel and headed for the bandstand. After a quick word with the musicians, he made his way back to where she stood. Her wide, anxious eyes darted around the dance floor while her trembling fingers pressed nervously against her lips, still glistening from his kisses. The way she stood looking confused and helpless made his heart speed up in his chest causing it to pound against his sternum. For a moment, all he could do was take in the sight of her.

As much as her shy innocence excited him, it also made him angry. No woman should ever be made to feel uncomfortable. Mackenzie should be standing there confident in her prowess as a woman, but instead, she looked like she was ready to bolt at any second. It was then and there he made a solemn vow. No matter how many years, months, days or hours it would take, he would do all he could do to make sure Mackenzie felt nothing but secure. With his brother's help and their combined love, they could make certain she would never again look the way she did now...lost, alone and unsure of herself.

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