Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Good grief, she said it. She had actually opened her mouth and confessed her biggest failure as a woman to two men who were not only incredibly hot, but the men she found herself developing deeper feelings for by the second. Mackenzie could feel the blood flooding her face as she closed her eyes to avoid their gazes. She didn't have a clue what book Trent was talking about, but if it had something to do with monumental screw-ups, she'd have a chapter dedicated to her life. Right now, she wished a giant sinkhole would swallow her whole and put her out of her misery. What woman in her right mind would tell anyone, let alone two gorgeous men who wanted to sleep with them, they sucked at sex? Maybe she wasn't in her right mind. Maybe she had finally hit that period in her life where she should just give up on every finding a satisfying relationship and start adopting cats. Lots, and lots of cats.

But, with her luck, the cats would probably find her somehow lacking too. A low groan of mortification left her lips with a sigh. Maybe the weird guy in camo was right, and she was an alien after all. He had gravely warned her he suspected she might have been abducted at some point in time in her life, and suggested a strict regimen of carrot juice to detoxify her body of their alien DNA.

Turning her head slightly, she peeked through her lashes at Chase who had been eerily quiet since her awkward revelation. She didn't possess the courage to look him straight in the eye, but the fact he still held her in his lap gave her a little hope he wasn't too repulsed by the admission of her sexual deficiencies.

When her anxious gaze met his, Mackenzie's eyes widened in surprise. Instead of the disgust she thought she would see, the heat in his stare was unmistakable and burned into hers. A trickle of moisture flowed from between her legs, and she squirmed at the effect.

"Kiss me," Chase said roughly, his deep voice a silky rumble.

"W...what?" she stuttered, not sure she had heard him right. "Why would you want me to...?" Her words were silenced by him placing his finger on her lips. A slow, electric feeling crept up her spine as his fingertip brushed lightly against the sensitive skin of her bottom lip.

"Shhh, just kiss me."

The warmth of his words caused a shiver to run down her body, going all the way from the top of her head, into her belly and landing firmly between her hips. Mackenzie eased away from his strong allure, unsure what to do. It wasn't that she didn't want to kiss him, far from it. Holy cow, just the thought of it made her panties damper. In fact, she was beginning to worry that she was going to leave a wet spot on his lap if he kept looking at her like that. But kissing was one thing, being told to kiss him was another. What if she didn't do it right? What if she failed whatever test he was giving her? Then what? Would they finally see she was right and walk away? Her heart gave a painful lurch at the thought of never seeing them again.

"I...uh...," her voice died on her tongue, her mouth going bone dry. She darted a glance over at Trent. He didn't say a word. He only cocked an eyebrow and gave her a nod as if he agreed with his brother, and was matching his demand with one of his own. Chase's fingers nudged her chin back in his direction, his smoldering blue regard making her breath catch in her throat. "Now? Don't you want to talk first?"

She was stalling, trying to avoid the inevitable. Besides, both these men loved to talk, and she found it peculiar they should both be silent now, especially after what she had just admitted. As a matter of fact, there had been a few times since she had gotten to know them that she believed they had missed their calling in life. Either one of them could have been one of those talk show hosts who wouldn't consider a show a success until someone crumpled into tears. Chase through his sweet words and Trent with his intensity. Combined, they were enough to make the most stoic of people break down into an emotional mess.

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