••• Fifty-Two •••

Start from the beginning

The witches with us put up a shield around our group traveling to the palace, the royal guards sending fiery arrows our way as they shatter against the shield. Our pace begins to pick up as we watch the shield become torn down further. Soon enough we are before the lake at the back end of the palace, circling around to the other side to the main gate. Looking up, I spot Laraxis standing on a balcony beside Elijah, the king looking down to my group in fear while Elijah offers me a slight nod. 

Just as we arrive at the front gates of the palace, the tall gate door of the palace is shut, the guards on the palace walls all pointing their weapons down to our group as we stand on the road which leads up directly towards the palace. "Can we get the gate open with magic yet?" I ask, looking over to Fiona as she looks around the palace to see how much of the palace's shield has been torn down. 

Fiona creates a sign with her fingers, closing her eyes as she begins to whisper some unfamiliar language. The witches holding up the shield inform us to brace ourselves for impact. Taking hold of one of my warrior's shoulders, we get into formation to prepare for what will happen when Fiona casts her spell. Fiona swings her arms open, a wind breaking out as we are knocked off our feet, the sound of wood cracking filing the air as I cover my face as I watch the front door of the palace gate shatter apart. As the palace is open to us now, royal guards stand ready to fight us, weapons drawn as they form a line around the gate. Fiona casts the same spell she used on the wolves in the field, their skin catching fire as they are unable to put it out. 

The scent of burning flesh meets my nose as we enter into the palace, another group of royal guards approaching, only for the witches to cast spells left and right. One guard becomes torn in three pieces, another is burnt immediately to ashes, two others are sent through portals to wherever the witch decided, and the others are attacked by the warriors of my pack, screaming out in pain. 

We rush through the courtyard of the palace and to the entrance of the palace itself, the engraved wooden doors shut as we approach them. The witches are able to use spells to break it down easily, flinging it open as the doors unhinge and fly across the marble floor of the palace, shattering a marble pillar on their way. "Find the king,. If anyone is able to get their hands on Zion or Sybil, bring them to me," I order, our group breaking in two as I send Fiona off to lead her own group. "Let's go." I lead my ground up a spiraling staircase in a tower, emerging onto the second floor as we open every door we see. Every room which holds someone in it, the witches cast a spell, their bodies falling limp as we make our way to the next room. 

A sitting room lays before us, four women cowering in the corner as they hold one another close, afraid of what will happen to them. Once more, the witches cast their spell as the women make no more noise and fall limp. We head for the next room, one filled with musical instruments and no one present. "This palace will take forever to search," I mumble, aggravated as we have run across fifteen people here and there are more people here that are not Laraxis. "What is the most secure room in this palace?" 

"The Senate Chambers," one of my warriors informs, "it's where the Alphas and Alpha King gather for meeting. Needs to be made secure in case of attacks. I have been there before, when Alpha Nixon was still alive." 

I motion for the warrior to take us there, our group taking a staircase to the first floor as we walk down a new hallway covered in ancient tapestries. A large door lays before us, the witches working their spells again as the door opens and we enter into the circular room, ready for any attack. 

"Welcome, Alpha Lily Maxwell," a voice calls out from the balcony of the room, drawing my attention up to see the King standing there with Elijah. "I was wondering when you would find me." 

"I had a feeling you would be cowering away somewhere," I comment, holding my head high as King Laraxis comes down to the first floor, looking to my group of witches and warriors. 

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