Abused soul

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I gave you my time
I gave you my soul
I gave you my heart
And you took it all

You were using my money
You was having my trust
You thought it was funny
I hoped it will last

But you wasted my time
You damaged my soul
You trampled my heart
And you didn't feel guilty at all

I will never get back my money
You will never get back my trust
It will no more be funny
And us will never last

You probably don't miss that time
You don't care you abused my soul
You don't worry about my broken heart
You don't think about me at all

And I would gave all my money
For turning back time and trust
I would like to see if it was funny
When I became your last

And differently would I used that time
I would again got to know your soul
But I would protected more my heart
Maybe then we could had it all

You wouldn't cared about money
You would strived for my trust
All the moments we had would be funny
And I would wish it to last

But true is cruel, so is time
I still have my abused soul
I'm here with my fragile heart
Trying to make it whole

For this I don't need money
I can't rebuild my trust
Nothing will ever be funny
We didn't even have a goodbye - the last.

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