Chapter 15

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My knocks weren't friendly or flirty like usual. They were quick, distinct, and angry. One after another in a quick succession. You would think I was his father coming to yell at him, or Miss Silvia coming to chastise him. But no. Just me. A very angry me.

Maxon pulled open the door looking slightly afraid. Good. But his expression quickly changed once he saw who it was. Just me. Well think again buddy!

I pushed past him and into his room, than turned on my heels to face him. "Are you using me for the crown!?"


"You heard me!"

Maxon gently shut the door. "America, what's wrong?"

"You've always said you wanted the crown!" I accused. "And now I'm so close to getting it....and suddenly we're going out. Don't tell me that's not a set up."

"America! Yes of course I want the crown. It's my birthright! But I also want you! So much more!"

"I just....don't know. You royals are tricky. Manipulative. I don't know if I can trust you," I mumbled.

"America where is this coming from?!"

I wanted to yell and scream and kick him, screaming Daphne in his face. But I didn't.

"I can't do it. I won't let myself be manipulated by you. I can't be with that. I won't ever be able to kiss you. And hug you. And hold your hand like everything is alright. Because you just admitted you want the crown! Aren't I the crown! In a matter of weeks there could be a crown sitting on my head! Won't I be the crown!"

"Well I guess..."

"And you want me because of the crown! And I'm not gonna let you have it. Or me!" I yelled, thinking about Daphne. Her voice pushing me farther.

"What are you saying?" He asked, his face distraught. It almost broke me. Almost.

"I'm saying we're over!"

He looked at me with his chocolatey eyes and I almost broke again. Once again, almost.

"I-I-I-I should leave," I muttered, making my way towards the door.

"Wait!" He called. I turned back towards him. "Can we still be friends?"

My anger returned for a fraction of a second, ten fold. But it was enough.

"Be honest, Maxon. Were we ever?"


"'s like this?" Alaina wondered, running her fingers along the keys.

"Yes, But it's a little faster at this part," I pointed out, circling the spot on the sheet music. "But once you get that part you'll be able to go into the arpeggio with the right momentum."

"This is boring," Auli commented, lazily taking a bite of her strawberry.

I sent her a glare. "You're just not into it."

"That's not it. I like piano, but this song is so...classical. We needs something more upbeat."

"Like what?"

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