Chapter 13

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"What is so important about today?" I wondered as my mauds pulled tightly on the strings attached to the slip of my dress.

"We just think you really need to look like royalty today. That's all," Lucy mumbled, scrambling threw my jewelry box frantically.

"No, no, NO," I breathed in sharply as Mary pulled very tightly on the strings. "You guys know something I don't."

"It's just a tiny rumor that we heard..." Mary mumbled

"But those are always correct," I gasped, spinning quickly to face Mary.

"America!" Anne tisked. "You made the slip come loose."

She circled around me until she had the strings back in her hands and was pulling on them with a firm grip.

"What is it! What is it!" I pestered Mary.

"It's just a rumor!" Mary clucked, swooping into the closet to retrieve my dress.

"Oh my goodness!" I gasped. The dress was regal and extravagant. It had a tight wrap around bodice that would hug my torso and accentuate the ladies if you know what I mean. It had off the shoulder straps that hung loosely around my shoulders and upper arm. The skirts flared out from the bodice and sparkles and shimmered slightly in the light. "You have to tell me now! It would have important to cause you to create such a beautiful dress!"

They all looked down as they helped me into it. Mary fixated herself in fluffing the skirts of my dress excessively, Lucy found great interest in the buttons on the dress, and Anne rushed off quickly to fetch me some shoes.

"Oh come on, guys!"

"Oh fine," Lucy broke. "We heard that they are picking the elite today!"

"Lucy!" Anne and Mary yelled, rolling there eyes in exasperation.

"Sorry," she squeaked.

"What?!" I gasped. "Are you sure?"

"Well it is just a rumor, but there are many maids who were bringing refreshments to the royal family directly in the meeting room. They are direct sources," Mary gossiped.

"Well than what are you waiting for?! Make me beautiful!"


I could barely focus on bringing the fork to my mouth to eat because I was so nervous. My leg was bouncing up and down out of nervousness and my whole body was jittery. I watched Queen Amberley's and Maxon's every single move as they ate there dinners. They were so calm and serene! I didn't get it!

I was nervous because I didn't want to leave Maxon. We hadn't been together long and I wasn't in love with him or anything. Yet. But....I would miss him. He is like my best friend because he is the only one here I don't have to worry about. He's not my competition. I can't even trust Marlee completely some of the time because no matter how good of friends we are.....she is my competition. I don't care about the Queen part.

Oh my god! Queen part! If I go to the elite, I am one step closer to becoming queen. I can't be queen! I'd be a terrible queen! Or would I? I mean Queen Amberley always praises me even when I swear I messed up. And Gavril did say that I was doing great in the Selection, so gets a good sign.....

"Attention everyone!" Queen Amberley called, tapping a fork gently against her wine glass. "Attention!"

Forks clattered to there plates as the ten of us left (a while group was eliminated after the ball competition) directed our attention at the Queen. We stood to be polite but she quickly told us to sit down.

"You have all probably heard the rumor that we are searching for the 6 people to move onto the elite. And the rumor is true," Maxon confirmed.

It was so silent that you could here a pin drop.

"And today is the day," Queen Amberley announced.

There was a synchronized gasp from us all and mumbling quickly followed. I shared a look with Kriss than Marlee as we linked hands in a mutual hope that we all made it.

"After we announce the names you will have tonight to pack and a car will arrive for you tomorrow morning," Queen Amberley informed us. "The 6 of you who make it, celebrate, because it doesn't get easier from you. The country needs a string header willing to make bold moves and the 6 of you have shown promise......but only one of you can win. And here are the names."

"Natalie Luca," Maxon said.

Natalie's face broke out into a radiant smile and she stood up as was protocol. There was polite clapping as envious glares, but complete silence besides that. Only five more spots and 9 more girls. Elise Whisks, Anna Farmer, Tiny Lee, Kriss Ambers, Tuesday Keeper, Marlee Tames, Ashley Brouilette, Bariel Pratt, and me. America Singer.

"Marlee Tames."

I squeezed her hand in a silent congratulation as she stood up. She looked happier than I've ever seen her and that's saying something for Marlee. Her eyes were bright and they seemed to match her bright pink ball gown and champagne blonde hair. She sat down and immediately gripped my hand again in some sort of reassurance.

"Ashley Brouilette."

Ashley was the most regal of anyone here. She had the face of a queen, the posture of royalty, and a body made for ball gowns. A golden crown would look lovely on her platinum hair that seemed to fade to caramel. She is delicate and elegant, and could make any one jealous if she tried as hard as Celeste did when she was here. She seemed to top it off by giving us a small, polite smile before sitting back down.

"Kriss Ambers."

Kriss Let out a mix between a gasp, squeal, and cry in the throws of excitement. She jumped up, laughing and curtsied politely. Her brown haired bounced as she rocked on the balls of her feet, wearing a similar smile of pure happiness as everyone else had. Than she sat down. Queen Amberley scammed her later for the next name.

"Elise Whisks"

Elise's maids had obviously gotten the same memo as mine because her face was painted in make up that accented her Asian roots. She wore a silky pink dress with cherry blossoms decorated across the skirts, and her dark hair was pulled back in a tight bun. Elise's connection to New Asia was one of the many things she had going for her competition wise, which is why accenting her heritage was a bold yet smart move.

The sound of the paper she was holding seemed to stab me a bit with each crinkle as we waited for her to say the final name. Marlee and Kriss were griping my hand assuringly and sending me a mix of pitiful and hopeful looks. I looked down, trying to hide behind a frame of red hair as I waited for her to announce that it wasn't me.

"America Singer."

I bet I was wearing a stupid, giddy smile just like everyone else.

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