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Flower Boy

Summary: Phil's a little shy with his newfound friend during a school field trip.

Genre: High School AU, flower boy!pastel!Phil, punk!Dan

Warnings: none

A/N: So I wrote this instead of doing my astronomy homework. It's short and sweet, not much editing, but I love it. I'm a huge sucker for pastel!phil and punk!dan, though. This is dedicated to the anon that said they'd love to read this and @dooloonoo since this is her favorite trope. Hope you guys enjoy! Also, a new chapter of Sugar on Top will be out soon. I promise.

Maybe I'll make a Part Two of this someday.

Phil had decided this day couldn't possibly get any worse.

Grumbling, he stepped onto the crowded, smelly bus, not really looking anywhere in particular. His friend Louise was patting his back comfortingly, knowing how much Phil hated school field trips. Especially ones that went overnight.

Dropping his small duffel on a seat, he scooted in so Louise could slide in next to him. He nervously adjusted his pastel blue sweater, bringing the sleeves over his hands for a feeling of security.

Louise looked at him. "Your flower crown's gonna fall off."

Adjusting it, Phil took a moment to study his reflection in the filthy bus window. His small flower crown was still crooked, but he didn't mind. His oversized sweater fitted around his sharp shoulders, and he picked a hole in his white jeans with varying paint splashes decorating it. His nails were a product of Louise's talents, painted a shimmery ocean blue mixed with emerald green.

"Phil, I know you don't wanna go, but you're gonna have to cheer up," Louise told him, lightly patting his shoulder. "It isn't like you to be so gloomy."

"You're right, I just..." Phil's voice trailed off as the back of his neck prickled. He got the feeling someone was watching him. He looked around, but his fellow high schoolers were absorbed either in their phones, each other, or their music.


He returned his attention to Louise. "Sorry, I just spaced out. Yeah, I guess it won't be all bad. We get to stay in a pretty nice hotel."

"Boys and girls can't share a room, though." Louise made a face. "I don't want to know who I'll be paired off with."

"Same here. What are we looking for, again?"

"We're going to a forest to 'observe the wildlife' or whatever." She shrugged. "Don't ask me. Plants are more up your alley."

This was true. Phil dug into his bag and pulled out his plant journal. Varying types of plants were pressed into each page, with a written description of each. "I knew I was looking forward to this for a reason. I didn't know we were studying the plants, though."

Louise nodded. "I think the reason you didn't want to go is because it's a high school field trip."

The two giggled, and Phil again felt a shiver down his neck. Someone was looking at him–no, not just looking at him, but burning their gaze into the back of his head.

He snapped his head around quickly, just in time to see a boy turning away. He stared. Phil had never seen this boy before, but he must go to their school?

The boy was dressed completely in black, complete with ripped jeans and a leather jacket. His ears were pierced and he had a bit of eyeliner smudged under his eyes. Just enough so you could barely see it.

His dark brown hair was swept to the side carelessly, but it was straightened. The boy had a ring in his lip and a bar in one eyebrow. A black stud stood out against one side of the boy's nose. Tattoos littered his arms, but Phil couldn't make them out clearly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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