Forest Shenanigans

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Laura was walking around a dense forest. Her head was raised high with her long black hair keeping out of her face. Her white tank top and blue shorts blew lightly in the breeze. The ground beneath her bare feet kissed them with each step she took.

She sighed in content as she kept walking, feeling the grass and dirt under her bare feet. She looked up to barely see the sky above. The leaves from the trees covered most of the sky, leaving a small crevice of blue sky that made its way into the forest.

She walked in silence until she suddenly hit something and fell onto her butt. She quickly took a glance at what she walked into. To her surprise, she saw a black haired man in front of her. He was sitting on his butt that was covered by cargo shorts and the newly applied dirt from the fall. His red, short sleeved shirt had specks of dirt on it as well.

She quickly stood up and walked up to the man. She assumed that they couldn't be that far apart in age. She extended her hand out to him with a small smile. The man looked up to her with his blue eyes. He grabbed her hand while returning the smile.

Laura helped the man stand up and dusted him off. "Thanks." The man said as he began to look around.

"No problem." Laura said as she dusted his shirt off with her hands. "What are you looking for?" She asked as she began to look around as well.

"My book. Could you help me find it?" The man asked as he began to search the nearby trees. Laura squatted down and began to search.

A couple seconds later, she moved back slightly and felt something give under her foot. She lifted her foot up to see a book with what looked like an evergreen tree on the cover. She smiled as she grabbed the book and stood up. "I found it!" She said gleefully.

She quickly ran up to the man and handed him the book. "Thank you very much!" The man said as he opened the book to where he left off.

"Do you want to sit down and chat for a while?" Laura said as she walked towards a dried stump. "I got nothing else to do today."

"I guess I have time." The man said as he followed Laura to the stump. They both sat down, next to each other, on the wide, dry, round stump.

"What's your name?" Laura asked as she kicked her feet playfully.

"David, but my friends call me Dave." He answered as he set the book next to him.

"That's a great name. Mine's Laura." Laura said as she stretched her legs. "What were you reading?" She asked as she looked up at him. She noticed that he was looking away from her, focusing more on the path than her.

"I was reading a book on trees for school." He answered as he turned his face to see hers. To her surprise, they locked eyes with each other. Dave was the first to blush and look away, focusing on the path again.

"Are you working on a project?" She asked as she looked down at her bare feet.

"I have to write a paper on it. It's gonna take me a long time to complete it, too." He responded as he kept looking towards the path.

"I guess it's a good time to take a rest then." Laura said as she set her feet on the grass again. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Dave's gaze lowered when her feet lowered. She smiled and immediately repositioned herself so that her feet were in Dave's lap. Dave looked down in surprise. "I saw you looking at them. I know it's weird to see people barefoot around here, but I love going barefoot. It's fun to feel all of nature under you." She admitted before he could say a word.

Dave looked at her, shocked at her answer. "And I thought I was covering it up pretty well." He said as he looked back at her feet. He began to examine her feet, wiggling her toes and looking at the bottom of her feet with care. Laura couldn't help but smile during the examination. "I will say that they are very cute. A little dirty though." He complimented.

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