Kidnapped and Tickled

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Helen was walking home from school. Her short brown hair moved ever so slightly in the wind as her short sleeved, white, shirt allowed the wind to snake all over her body. Her black skirt went down to just above her knees. Nylons covered her feet and legs with flats protecting the bottom of her feet.

As Helen walked, the sun began to set. She could see her house down the street. However, without warning, her vision became blurry. Her hands went to her head just before falling over onto the concrete.

When she woke up, she was unable to see a couple of feet in front of her. She felt a cold wind that went throughout her body, even on her feet. Her body was spread out so every part of her body was exposed. She attempted to call for help, but she felt a gag in her mouth, muffling her words.

Suddenly, the door opened, letting in the slightest bit of light. A silhouette appeared at the door, blocking out any facial features. The only thing she could tell was that the silhouette was a man. "Hello, Helen." The man said as he walked inside, closing the door.

The man walked closer to her, placing his hand on her right arm. He pulled off a bandage that was attached to her arm. She attempted to scream, but the gag made her screams into muffles.

"I truly am sorry about that." The man said as he leaned down to her. He placed his hands on her underarms, lightly scratching. Helen's eyes widened as muffled giggles began to escape from her mouth. She attempted to free her hands through force, but her capturer did a good enough job tying them. No matter how much she struggled, she could not free herself.

The man smiled as he began to tickle her sides, teasing poor Helen. Helen couldn't help but laugh, attempting to escape from his fingers. However, the restraints prevented her from moving farther than a couple of millimeters.

The man smiled as he dug his fingers into her sides, causing her to laugh as hard as she can into the gag. The man kept tickling her sides, going after her most sensitive spots along her sides.

While Helen was laughing, she couldn't help but notice the way he was tickling her. She attempted to speak through her gag, but only mumbles came out.

The man stopped tickling her when he heard her. "You trying to say something?" He asked. Helen nodded, willing to do anything to keep the break going. "Well, what are you trying to say?" Helen quickly made a set of mumbles that sounded like a question. "You think I'm your boyfriend?" The man asked.

Helen nodded, blushing slightly at the question. "Well, I guess I got found out." He said as he took the gag off of Helen.

"Why did you kidnap me?" Helen asked as she breathed heavily.

"I wanted to spend time with you." Her boyfriend said as he kissed her lips. Helen kisses him back passionately. However, she felt something beginning to tickle her belly.

Her boyfriend began lightly tickling Helen's belly. She was forced to laugh while kissing her. After a couple of seconds, he pulled his lips away from hers.

"MIHIHIHIHIHICHAELHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Helen begged as she struggled in her restraints.

"What is it, honey?" Michael asked as he kept tickling her belly.


"Hmmmmm. I don't think so. I'm having a lot of fun." He said as he slowly tickled up to her breasts. "Speaking of fun."


Michael tickled all over her breasts. "I don't remember if this is your most ticklish spot or if your thighs are." He teased.


"I'm not sure if your telling the truth. You seem to be super ticklish here." He said as he kept tickling her breasts.


Michael paused with a devilish smile on his face. He allowed her to regain her breath and prepare for the torture that was about to come. "Have I ever told you how much I love tickling you?" He asked, teasing her.

"Yes, you have." Helen said as she regained her breath.

"How about, how much I love how ticklish you are?"


"Then you know everything. And that means that I can continue." He said before gliding his fingers up her inner thighs.

"Hehehehehehehehehehehehe!" She giggled loudly as his fingers came closer to her upper body. His fingers reset as soon as it got close to her privates, going up her inner thighs again. "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahayourhahahahahahahahahahahateasinghahahahahahahahahahahahameheheheheheheheheheheheheheahahahahahahaha!" She giggled loudly as she squirmed in her restraints.

"Why shouldn't I tease you? We have until midnight." He said with a smirk before tickling her inner thighs as hard as he could.


"I heard a lot of yes in there." Micheal teased as he kept tickling her inner thighs.


Michael paused, allowing Helen to recover. "I can't. I can't." Helen pleaded.

"Cmon, we still got a could couple hours."

"I'm going to die!"

"No you won't. Your over exaggerating. Now, shall we continue." Michael teased before tickling her inner thighs again.


For the next few hours, Helen was tickled until tears came to her face. At that point, Michael would let her recover before continuing the process again.

By the time it was 11pm, Helen passed out. When she came to, she found herself in her bed with a note beside her. She picked up the note and smiled. "Two weeks before we can do this again ;)" it said.

She set the note on the floor before going to sleep.

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