Fundraising Tickles

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"So what do we need?" Amanda asked. Her long blonde hair and blue eyes scanned the room as she made eye contact with 4 more girls. Her thin, healthy body walked slowly with her size 9 feet taking her back and forth in her white sneakers.

"First we need new equipment." Jessie, the first girl she made eye contact with, said. Her short black hair and hazel eyes looked bored at their leader. Amanda could tell that the muscular girl didn't want to stay long. Her size 11 foot was constantly tapping the floor, causing a noise to be heard.

"What needs to be replaced?" Amanda asked as she moved onto the second girl.

"Speakers, projector, and a more powerful laptop." Bethan, the second girl, said. Her brown hair and brown eyes smiled as she kept checking the speakers. The tattoos that she bore with pride smiled at Amanda. "Wires seem to be broken." She explained as she walked up to the closest chair, resting her size 8 feet on the desk.

"How much will that cost?" Amanda asked as she turned to the third girl.

"Over what we can ever afford." Dana, the third girl, said. Her dirty blonde hair and green eyes never lifted up from the paper she was looking at. A calculator was by her side and a pencil in her hand. Her wide size 10 feet were firmly planted on the floor. Her stature was slightly bigger than most of the other girls there.

"Then what should we do?" Amanda asked as she looked at the last girl. The last girl was looking out the window, her long blonde hair and blue eyes looked out the window. She looked like Amanda, down to her shoe size. "Sis, please come with an idea."

"Sorry, the only thing on my mind was that successful booth from years ago." Her sister responded.

"You mean what the cheerleaders did?" Jessie asked.

"What did they do?" Dana asked.

"They had a tickle booth for the fair. It made them a ton of money." Amanda explained as she looked at her sister. "Please focus, sis."

"But Amandaaaaaaa." Her sister said in a mocking tone.

"But Mariaaaaaaaa." Amanda said back as she looked away.

Maria sighed as she looked at the others in the room. "Why don't we have a tickle booth of our own?" She said without thinking.

Everyone in the room looked at her. She looked back at each of them, seeing a look of mild shock on their faces. "I mean it could work." Bethan said.

"I will work if we each chose a time to be tickled. Someone during first block, second block, third block, fourth block, and after school." Maria explained.

"What about watching over the person?" Bethan asked.

"Can't you make a machine that hides the person and sets a limit. Once the limit is up, the person is hidden again and can't be unlocked unless one of us or by paying the machine." Amanda asked Dana.

"I think so. I'll get started as soon as I get home." Dana answered.

"That's good and all, but we got a problem." Jessie said. All the girls looked at her with confusion. "I'm not ticklish."

"I don't believe that!" Bethan said as she began scribbling her fingers on Jessie's sides.

Jessie turned to Bethan with a blank expression on her face. "Believe me now?" She asked. Bethan frowned before stopping.

"Just act like your ticklish. When the machine is ready, then the money will come in. Anime Club, Dismissed!" She said before everyone went home.

The next day, the girls got to school early to see a giant metal box in front of the main entrance. The box had a slot for people to put money in, two buttons, an electronic stop watch, a way to get in, a place to collect the money, and a sign that says "The Tickle Box. $5 for 10 minutes."

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