Crazy Cat Tickler

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Rachel walked around her neighborhood, wearing her white tank top, blue shorts, and yellow flip flops that showed off her size 7 feet.

She kept walking around alone until she saw an abandoned house. She remembers that the house used to be the home of a cat lady. It was then that she heard a meow.

She quickly looked around, seeing a brown cat walking towards the back of the house. Quietly, she followed, finding a doggy door that was flapping back and forth with no sight of the cat.

Rachel rubbed her hands down her slim figure, hesitating to go through. After a few seconds, she went on her knees and began to crawl through the doggy door, head first. As soon as her head went through, she blew the dust away from her.

She was able to get the top half of her body through before feeling her flip flops slowly coming off her feet. "Who's doing that?" She asked as she kicked the soft grass. It was then that she felt a cat paw stop her from moving her feet.

She slowly moved closer inside the house when she suddenly felt something going up and down the bottom of her feet. The sensation caused her to laugh. "NOHOHOH!" She said as she laughed. Her toes curled, trying to lesson the tickling sensation.

The tickler began to tickle her toes, causing them to get wet. "EHEHEHEHEHEHWHEHEHEHEHE!" She giggled as she wiggled her toes. The tickler managed to get in between her toes, causing her to scream in laughter. "STAHAHAHAHAHAHAPHPHPHHAHAHAHA!" She begged as she quickly got through the doggy door.

She quickly checked her feet, noticing they were slightly wet. She tried to rub them dry, but couldn't. After a few minutes of rubbing, she stopped and gave up. She saw a cat come through the doggy door, walking past her as if nothing happened.

Rachel stood up in the dining room of the dusty house, trying her best not to touch any of the dust. Each step she took caused the floorboards to creak loudly. The ceilings had dust fall constantly with the sound of light footsteps above her. "Hello?" She asked softly as she moved out of the dining room, finding a staircase heading to the second floor.

She slowly walked up the staircase when the fifth step broke under her weight, trapping her left foot. "Ow!" She yelled as she tried to get her foot out of the step, to no avail. "Help!" She yelled as she kept trying to free herself.

A few minutes later, she felt someone tickling her left foot, causing her to laugh. "WHOHOHOHOHOEVERHRHRHRHRIHIHIHIHIHSDOIHIHIHIHINGTHAHAHAHAHAHAHATHAHAHAHAHAHASTAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!" She begged as she wiggled her foot back and forth, curling her toes and trying to free herself.

"Well, well, look what we have here." Rachel heard an elderly woman say behind her. She turned her head and saw an older lady behind her in a night gown and slippers. "It seems my cats seemed to have taken an interest in you." She said again.

"PLEHEHEHEHEHEASEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHELP." Rachel begged as she turned to the lady for help, her laughter slowly taking over. The lady slowly walked to the side of the stairs, opening a panel she didn't notice earlier.

Rachel's foot was wiggling inside the hidden cabinet with cats licking it. "First I must feed my cats." The lady said as she walked towards the kitchen. The cats followed her, leaving Rachel alone.

Rachel took the time to catch her breath. As she was taking deep breathes, she saw twelve cats run past her. The twelfth one stopped in front of her, rubbing himself on her leg. "That tickles." She said as she let out a small giggle before picking the cat up. The cat meowed softly while in her arms.

Rachel put the cat down, allowing him to jump up onto her shoulders and rub against her neck. Rachel couldn't help but giggle, forgetting her predicament. "You're so cute." She said softly while giggling.

A few minutes later, the elderly lady walked back to the open panel with a bucket of milk. The woman set the bucket down right outside the panel and began to brush the milk onto Rachel's left foot. "AHAHAHAHAHAHANOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" She begged while laughing, wiggling her foot back and forth while the brush explored all over the bottom of her foot.

"Stay still. My cats need their milk." The lady said as she spread Rachel's toes, brushing in between them. Rachel scream in ticklish laughter, shaking her foot in desperation. "Finally finished." The cat lady said, dropping the brush into the bucket of milk. She set a table for the cats to reach their dinner before walking out of the panel.

The lady walked up to Rachel. She was was sitting on one leg, her soles facing the ceiling. The lady began to brush milk on her foot. "NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOMOHOHOHOHOHREHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" She laughed as her foot wiggled from side to side. The lady had a smile on her face as she got in between Rachel's toes, causing her to scream.


The lady walked up in front of Rachel, seeing her face red from all the laughter. Tears were streaming down her face from laughing so much. Her begging came down to pure laughter and squirming. The one thing that the lady noticed was one of her cats rubbing itself against her leg. "Awwwww. Little Penelope likes you sweetie." She said as she glided her fingers on Rachel's neck.

Rachel's laughter got higher pitched as she squirmed widely, trying to free herself from the tormenting cats. "IHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHACAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANTHAHAHAHAHAHAHABREHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEATHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." She laughed as she began to slightly started to slide down the stairs, exposing her belly.

"Looks like your ticklish in more than one place." The lady said as she tickled her now exposed belly. The cats licked every part of her feet, tickling every inch and making them more sensitive.

Rachel attempted to protect her belly with her hands, trying to grab the lady's hands. "IHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHMHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHONNAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHPEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!" She yelled as her leg started to free itself from the hole it was stuck in.

The lady and all her cats kept tickling Rachel, forcing her into silent laughter. She couldn't defend herself anymore, submitting into the tickling. Her body began sliding down the stairs, freeing her. Her feet were free of milk.

The cats ran to her and began licking all over her exposed his. Some went inside her shirt, licking her belly. Rachel laughed as she tried her best to stay still, not wanting to hurt the cats. As the cats kept tickling her, she let herself go and soiled herself.

The lady started taking her cats away, one by one. Rachel's laughter died down, slowly turning into panting. "Thank you for feeding my cats." The lady said, letting one cat stay with her. Rachel picked up the cat, smiling at it. It was the cat that was rubbing against her leg. "You may keep her if you wish." The lady said.

Rachel smiled as she stood up. "Thank you." She said before leaving the house, running home as soon as possible.

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