Chapter one

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Tobin and Alex went to the same school but didn't know each other till there very first soccer conditioning. (This is there beginning)
- Alex's alarm sounds at 8:00 in the morning. Holy moly it's so early. I step foot on the ice cold wooden floor and walk down the dark hallway toward the kitchen. The first thing I think of is food so I grab a yogurt some granola and a smart water. I should probably hurry up considering it's the first day of conditioning Alex thinks to herself. So I pick up my pace and grab my soccer bag cleats and get changed into my practice clothes and I'm ready to go. I just remembered I had got my drivers license last weekend so I can finally drive to practice. I get in the car and take off.
- Tobes point of view-
- I am already awake at 6 in the morning and on the feild by 6:30 before everyone else. I really enjoy all the quietness before everyone shows up. Then as soon as I look out the corner of my eye I see the most beautiful girl of my life. I instantly got butterflies in my stomach but I managed to get myself together and I really want to impress this girl I hear her name is Alex Morgan gosh dang that's a really adorable name. Coach parsons calls us to start are warm ups and we needed to have a partner so I instantly thought I need to be that girls partner. I look and instantly see her drinking her water before she chooses anybody I rush over to her side and politely but robust. Hey Alex I'm Tobin I was wondering if a beautiful girl like you would be my partner in warming up.
- Alex blushes really hard but looks down like she's trying to hide the smile behind her face. Aww I would love to be your partner today she said in a very energetic tone. Let's try not to get to hot together. She thinks to herself oh my gosh why did I just say that she's not gonna talk to me ever again.
- Tobin takes in what Alex just said and thinks to herself oh yeah she's into me alright. I laugh and grin and go along with Alex's flirty sense of humor and I put my arm around her shoulder as we walk to our warm up spots. Coach yells COME ON GIRLS HURRY UP WE DONT HAVE ALL DAY FOR CHITTER CHATTER. We laugh and run to our spots as I try to race her but she beat me somehow. I think to myself she's so cute and blush really hard.

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