Chapter 3

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Continued from Chapter 2

Jaycie POV

Me: Jazzmine when did this happen?

A/N Ima use the kids nicknames so Jazzmine is Jazzy, Jayden is Jay,  Zatia is Z and Maliks is Liki

Jazzy: When you took Jay to the doctor cuz he was sick.

Me: Okay Jazzy thanks for telling me and I won't tell daddy you told me okay.

Jazzy: Pinkie Promise *hold out pinkie*

Me: *connects pinkies* Pinkie Promise

India: Jazzy put yo headphones on and watch Teen Titans go, hook it up to the back of the seat so you can watch it on the tv.

Jazzy: Kay

India: I cant believe him, that shit happened in December!!

Me: I bet he still fucking her too, he has been actin strange too. Now I know why.

Me: *thinks to herself* he got something coming when I get back home*

India: You good need me to call my cousin Duke on him

Me: Naw I got this. Just go take this stuff to yo house, keep Jazzmine and take me home

India: Ok

*skips to when Jaycie gets home*

Narrator POV

Jaycie sees Prince isn't home yet so she takes her clothes off and takes a shower. She puts on a white beater and sweats  (A/N see what I did there😉) She called Prince and told him to take Jayden to India's and Mike's cause she had a "surprise" for him. She still couldn't believe the man she been married to for 5 years cheated on her or maybe still is.

Prince POV

Mayne, I feel so bad about what happened between me and Jaycie. I didn't mean to raise my hand, I could never and will never ever put my hands on a women no matter what. I hope she forgives me. She said she had a surprise for me when I get home. She even told me to take Jayden to Mikes house. That mean we about to get freaky deaky in this bitch💦💦👅👅  (A/N nigga thats what you think)

Prince: *Walks into the dark house, but sees the light on in Jaycie and his bed room*

Me:*walks into the room* Hey baby.

Jaycie: *looks at him and smiles* Hey baby, I miss you. *thinks* sike nigga take yo ass back to that hoe Bajha.

Me: I miss you too baby girl, where is my surprise?

Jaycie: Oh, your surprise *whispers* It's standing right in front of you

Me: *smirks, then picks Jaycie up and throws her on the bed*

Narrator POV

Prince starts to kiss on her neck down to her jawline but Jaycie interrupts him

P for Prince J for Jaycie

P: Why you stop?

J: I dont want to have sex.

P: Then what was the surprise then

J: I said me

P: I thought you meant as in you as in your pussy, like you saying you wanted to have sex.

J: No silly😊

P: *whimpers like a dog* But I'm horny as shit

J: Well have Bajha take care of your horniness

P: What

J: You heard me have her take care of your borner since you her daddy

P: Jaycie, what are you talking about

J: Nigga don't act dumb, I know you been fucking her and I dare you to look me in my face an tell a bold face lie.

J: Do it look me in the eye and tell me you aint been fucking her

P: *puts head down and shakes his head*

J: Exactly

P: Look babe,  I'm sorry, we weren't on good terms and I was horny so-

J: So you got to yo bald headed ex to fuck, really like really.

P:Look, I'm sorry please forgive me please. I'll delete her number out my phone, I'll text her and tell her it over now. *pulls phone out and goes to Bajha contact*

J: No, I'm gonna text her and delete her contact and block her.

P: Okay, go ahead

*Prince name in Bajha phone is Future Husband so F.H. for short and Prince for Bajha if Fuck Buddy F.B. for short*

To FB: We're done don't call, text, message, DM me nothing.

To FH: But baby I love you

To FB: Well I dont love you, you was just a fuck buddy, nothing more nothing less, this convo is over. BYE BITCH

J: *blocks number* here's your phone

P: Thanks

J: Mmmh

P: Baby, I really am sorry

J: Mmmh okay

P: Let me show you how sorry I am

P: *lays Jaycie back on the bed and gets on top of her*

TBC Freaky Scene/ Chapter next

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