"That's all because from were I'm from we don't have half the stuff, that is here, and I can't write the alphabet or read probably, because there was a hold other language interlay, in stead of English" I explained. "And I'm still getting used to people not being able to do what I can do" I explained with a slight chuckle.

"What do you mean your confusing me just tell me out right no matter how wired it is just tell me" he said facing me towards him as he shacked me."ok ok" I said as he stopped

"I come from another world, different language, it doesn't have half the stuff here, and I can do things you can't" I bleerted. "There was that so hard and what do you mean by, you can do things other people can't" he asked.

"I have well what you here call powers and abilities" I said. "Cool, I've always want to power to fly then I can be like a bird, they seem so free" he said, "oh, I can be a bird" I smiled "really cool let's see" he smiled as his face lit up. "Ok, but first you have to swear you won't tell anyone got it" I said getting close to his face

"I promise, I swear I will not tell anyone even if my life depended on it" he said as he starring up at me as I looked down at him. "Ok" I said moving away before getting up, I looked around to make sure no one was there, before turning into a bird and flying over to him.

"Oh my god this is so amazing" he said as I landed on his knee. "Is that one of your powers" he asked full of joy and excitement. I tweeted at him, I think he took it as a yes. "Oh my god, so can you turn into other animals or is it just a bird and what else can you do" he asked. I changed back.

"I can do almost anything as long as I know what it is and what it looks like" I explained "can you do a wolf" he asked "yeah I can be a wolf boy" I smiled. As I changed into a wolf. "Eeeeeeee, you don't know how cool this is" he smiled clapping his hands together

I howled before pawing Anthony who had passed out. I changed back as he got up "sorry when I get excited some times I faint and I get more excited" he smiled "so what are your other powers" he asked I changed back. "well my element is fire and I can use my telpophy powers to do stuff" I explained.

"Cool let's see" he smiled with glee. "Ok which one" I asked "fire" he smiled clapping his hands together. "I can't wait" he added still smiling like an idiot. "Ok ok" I giggled as I showed him the fire from my hand. "Whoa cool, can I touch it" he asked megmericed by it. "I wouldn't it's real fire, I don't want you to burn yourself" I warned but it was too late he had stuck his hand in.

He let out a cry as I stopped it. Streams of tears were running down his face, I put my arm round him to comfort him while thinking of a way to stop it from hurting. "That why I said not to touch it" I said rubbing his back. "Get some water from the stream, because last time I burnt myself my mummy put it under a tap" anthony blubbered.

"Ok wait here" I said running down to the little stream next to us. I took enough that Anthony could put his hand into and then ran back with it. "Here put it in this" I said holding it out to him as he put it in and wiggling his fingers. "whoa this is so cool" I made it go up his arm making sure that some was still around his hand. He laughed "that tickles stop". I laughed along too, before we heard footsteps.

We stopped I lost my consition socking Anthony "hey" he whispered "sorry" I whispered back. The figure stood in front of the entrance, I recognised the shoes "hey dad" I sighed. As he crouched down to see inside, "come on your mother is waiting for us" he said glearing at Anthony a bit.

"Why can't I play for a bit longer" I wined "because Ian what I say goes now come on" he said getting up. I sighed "fine" I huffed crawling out with Anthony following me. "But dad why can't I play" I asked tugging on his shirt, "you know why" he said trying to keep his anger down. "Can we at least take Anthony home" I asked holding onto Anthony's shoulders.

"That's what I was going to do anyway Ian now pipe down" he scolded. I frowned taking my hands off his shoulders. Anthony put his arm round me I snuggled into him as I put my arm round him. His hugs felt so loving and uplifting. Dad led us out to the street where his car was parked, we got in and started driving.

The car ride was a silent and tension ridden as we pulled up to Anthony's house he got out "thanks for the ride mr hecox" he said politely "see you at school Ian" he said waving goodbye. "Bye and don't forget about the cheese" I said as he closed the door and walked up to his door going in. Soon we arrived home, still wondering why he came and got us.

"Dad why did you come and get us" I asked "because I need to speak with you and your mother does as well" he explained as he pulled me out and into the house and into the kitchen. "Sit down, now" he ordered in his scary voice. I did as I was told and sat down on a chair that was opposite to my parents.

"So why did you want to talk to me" I asked. "Ian what was the first thing I told you when we arrived here" he asked trying not to pop his cap. "Not to use my powers out of the house unless it was an emergency" I said a bit sheepishly.

"Then why did you show THAT boy Anthony" he asked "I...I...I didn't we were building a fort and that's it" I explained "no you showed him your powers and that if forbidden out side of this house, unless someone is dieing in front of you" he said with the gruffness on his voice.

"But dad, I...I trust him, you don't know him like I do, he's my best friend, he's the only friend that I've ever had thanks to you and being bossy" I snapped.

"YOU SHOULDN'T OF DONE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, and you will be punished for this" he shouted. I could feel little tears run down my face.

"I'm whaling with tears, Ian I did that for your own good because I don't want you getting distracted from your studies and not to expose yourself for what you are, I don't want you to fall behind or be made fun of because of missing out on valuable time playing instead of studying, you were doing excellent at your old school, straight As all the way and now your getting Es and Ds why is that do you think" he asked.

"Probably because I have to write in a new language that I can only speak, we don't have any of the subjects here apart from PE and even that's just running. I ask for help but it just makes me more confused than it was before, it's hard to do it that's why and you putting pressure on me doesn't help either, you don't give me any support with magic or without it, you never say 'good job' or 'better luck next time' or you never say that your proud of me, I never get what I want even if I prove that I can have it" I exclaimed.

"Ian we do that to push you so you can do better honey" mum said. "Well too bad I've given up on everything I want to be a kid not an adult and I want to be able to play freely without being looked over, I want to be able to have friends and want my life to be like how I want it, that's all I'm asking for" I explained.

"That's how I'm going to fit in here and look like I am normal when I'm not" I said starring up at them. "We understand that son but there are rules to how you life here and trust me we're still getting used to them" she said. "That is a load of poop we've been here for a month and I've figured out how to follow their society's rules" I said crossing my arms.

"Yes we know that Ian but it is harder for us to adapt you know that" she said. I huffed and turned the other way. "Well then learn, you said that this was going to be are home from now on anyways" I said

"Ian I'm tired of this now, go to your room" he ordered "no I don't want to go to my room because you took all the fun out of that by filling it up with school stuff" I snapped turning around and slamming my hand on the table. "No it's stuff that you need now go to your room NOW AND DONT COME OUT UNTIL I SAY" he shouted.

"Make me" I scolded as I clenched my fists letting them light up. That was the biggest mistake that I could made. He slapped me sending me to the floor with a thud. I started crying as I let my fire disappear, I held my cheek. I ran off to my room knowing it was the only safe place I had, I slammed the door and locked it before going to cry on my bed.

'At least they let me keep one of my teddies' I thought as I hugged into my bear miss hugsalot, crying to myself.

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