Chapter 2- Flabbergasted

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Chapter 2

It felt like someone froze time. He smiled and -POOF- it’s like I came back to earth, back to my senses. I gasped and immediately turned away. My cheeks burning red. I walked out of aisle 3 and left him.

I directly when to my chair, took my book, opened it, covered it to my face and-

“Ahhhhhh!” Yep, I shouted. Different kinds of emotions were running inside me. I don’t know what to do. It feels like I won the lottery. I’m so happy. I want to jump, screech, yell, eat pudding, vomit, rap, sing, dance, break dance, roll, choke someone, run, swim, fly and die.

And that’s when I noticed that everyone was staring at me like I was a retard. Even Mrs. Brooks looked at me and signalled me to be quiet. Then, everyone went back to their business.

Inhale, Exhale, Inhale, Exhale.

When I was fully calmed, I began to wonder where he is. Did he hear my scream? Did he get freaked out? Is he still here? I thought that I should have talked to him, get a photograph together and asked for an autograph. I looked for him. On the first floor but I saw no sign of him.

I decided to go to the second floor. The elevator or the stairs? Hmm… better take the elevator just this once. I always think that I’m gonna die in an elevator… joke…. I’m not gonna die, I’m a vampire *laughs*. That was a joke. Now laugh! I said laugh. Seriously, just laugh.

The elevator opened and came out was a couple that are holding hands with each other. And for a brief moment, I thought about my own love life which was empty. If my love life is a bottle, it would be an empty boring one. I sighed and decided to take the stairs instead.

The second floor is a bit creepy. I can’t see a single person. I was scared but what if Lee is here?

I gathered up all my courage and checked every aisle. It was so quiet that it was deafening me. I came to the last four aisles and there was no light. Fvck. I might see something here… or… someone, I just wish it would be Lee Pace.

I used my cell phone as a source of light. I searched and searched and was now on the very last aisle of the library and there was finally light. I crept quietly and saw …. Oh Gosh! ………………

What I saw made me smile and sad at the same time. There was no Lee Pace but then, I saw a dictionary.


Last night, I only thought about what happened yesterday with Lee Pace. I was sad because I hadn’t had a chance to interact with him but felt overwhelmed that I had a chance to see him personally. Maybe he already left town.

Sadness took over me and no smile was seen on my face. I once again, went to the library because I left my lotr book there yesterday. I went inside and was greeted by Mrs. Brooks. it was already 5:30 p.m. and I just have 30 minutes to stay here in the library coz’ it closes at six.

I went to my usual spot but I find someone there reading a book, at my exact same chair! I went near the stranger and noticed that it was my book that he is reading! And he was even holding my Lee Pace bookmark. Yup, my bookmark is a Lee Pace cut out. How dare this stranger. His or her face could not be seen because he/she is covering his/her face with my book. I sat infront of the stranger and fake coughed.

“Ehem *cough* Ehem *cough*.” I tried to get the attention of this person which was successful. The stranger stopped reading and putted down the book on the table.

I froze. It was Lee Pace.


Hi, I'll be posting the next chapters tomorrow 

-Lots of Love


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