one: video games

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"we should be back before monday," mr. andrews spoke as he loaded up the truck with his and archie's bags. they were going to visit archie's mom for the weekend, leaving jughead by himself in the andrews' home for a few days.
"and juggie," archie called out, "try not to eat all of our food while we're gone." both boys laughed as the engine roared to life.
"no promises, arch," jughead joked with a wave. the truck pulled away leaving him alone on the sidewalk. jughead made his way back into the house and to the room he shared with archie.
not having much of anything to do, he turned on the play station and picked up in the middle of the last game he had been playing.
betty had been watching out her window when archie and mr. andrews left, knowing that once they were gone she'd have a chance to spend time alone with jughead. about an hour and a half after their truck took off down the street, she made her way into the evening air and over to the andrews' residence. lightly knocking, she waited for her boyfriend to answer the door.
when no one answered, she knocked again. once more there was no answer. figuring there was no harm, she entered the home anyway.
"juggie?" betty called out, waiting for a response. she heard nothing and walked up the stairs to where she knew archie's room was located. reaching the door, she slowly pushed it open. the only light in the room was the illumination coming from the tv screen. she entered further to see a sleeping jughead sprawled out on archie's bed. his arm was hanging off the mattress, hand still clutching the controller.
a huge smile appeared on betty's lips, as she gently sat next to the tired boy. she picked up his beanie off the ground and hung it on the bedpost and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. she reached down and brushed the stray hairs out of his eyes, admiring his features intently.
she then grabbed the controller out of his hand to prevent it from falling, glancing at the game on the tv. betty pressed 'resume' and began pressing random buttons, attempting to figure out how the game worked.
"yes!" betty whispered at the game a little too loudly, causing jughead to stir.
betty had now relocated to a spinning chair archie had in his bedroom, and she sat right in front of the tv.
jughead's eyes fluttered open, his eyes adjusting to the light- or lack thereof. he spotted the girl's silhouette, watching her ponytail sway everytime she passed a level and got excited. he was amazed with how far she had managed to get without any help or tips, and he admired her determination for a bit before speaking up.
"betty?" he finally called out to her.
she jumped with a gasp, causing her to drop the controller.
"jug, you're awake!" exclaimed, standing up and moving back to the edge of the bed.
"what were you doing?" jughead asked her with a smirk.
"oh, i was trying to play that fighting game archie has, but i'm not any good," betty replied with a small blush, gesturing at the controller still on the ground.
"what do you mean 'not any good'?" jughead asked with a chuckle. "you're better than archie, and probably better than me too!"
she laughed at his comment. "want to find out?" betty offered with excitement.
jughead quirked up an eyebrow. "maybe later. you know, i'd hate for you to have made such a long journey to get nothing out of it, bets." he reached out to intertwine their fingers.
"i literally live across the street."
"whatever," jughead said, leaning forward and pressing their lips together.
lol that was kinda lame aha o well

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