His hand slowly drew patterns through my panties and I only moaned in response. "I'm fucking sure you haven't touched yourself. Have you?" He breathed in my ear and I bit my lower lip from moaning further. It gave him his answer.

"My innocent darling." He pushed the only clothing aside and ran his fingers on 'the' lips lightly separating them to massage that sensitive bundle of nerves making me see stars all over. "Tell me baby how does it feel?" He talked through.

"It's a bit uncomfortable, but it's fine." My voice was high pitched.

"Okay, and how about this?" I felt him drawing circles around that area.

"Oh Harry! What are you doing?" It wasn't a question, it was my plea to do it again.

As expected he did it again and I wrapped my arms around his wide shoulders lightly scratching his back. "Fuck you are so wet. Just come for me already baby." He whispered biting on my earlobe lightly groping and massaging me. I screwed my eyes shut in pleasure.

"Look at me, I want to see how my princess comes because of me." He cooed and I opened my eyes only to join gaze with his beautiful green once.

The burning sensation returned and I lifted my chest off the bed calling out his name and riding out my high. It was completely a pure bliss.

"I'll give you time." He rolled off landing on bed and gathering me in his arms while I was trying to get over from my irregular breathing.

"I love you Harry." Words like this were foreign to my lips but I wanted to get used to them.

With his fingers he lifted my chin off his chest to look at him. "I love you so much that you mean everything to me." He lightly joined our lips together until a knock on the door made us literally fall on the floor.

"You both are in here? Come on Ciara we have to go home." I presume it was my mother and I scrambled to my feet nearly tripping on my own jeans to wear it.

"Relax Angry Bird. I've got it." He chuckled and unlocked the door making sure I wasn't displayed on view. When did he even wear his t-shirt?

"Yes, we'll be there in a minute. I was giving her some albums to listen to." His voice had much more rasp to it and I didn't have slightest of the idea if she had noticed his completely messed up hair and swollen lips by now.

"Okay, just hurry up." She gave Harry a forced smile and then he closed the door behind him turning to me.

"Why are you dressed?" He whined like an ice cream was being taken away from a child.

"I think I have to go." I blushed shaking my head.

"Music helps a lot right?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my head. I instantly leaned into him and breathed in his scent forgetting about his cheeky comment for the timing.

"Yes, it did help." I stood on my toes to kiss his jaw only making him to tighten his grip around me while he lightly grabbed my ass cheeks in his hands and he momentarily closed his eyes enjoying my touch.

"I don't want you to go. I'll make some excuse, stay for the night please?" He pouted and looking into those eyes wasn't helping me to stick to my ground so I quickly looked away.

"I have to catch up with my dad, just one more week then my winter breaks will begin. I promise we will spend more time. Do you think being away from you amazes me?" I started softly and scoffed like a kid in the ending.

"Of course not. I'll drag you to meet me anyhow." He silently stated.



"What about you?"

He finally looked at me. "What about me?" He titled his face and I dropped my attention from his eyes to his lower region where a huge bulge was visible.

"Oh Lord!" He laughed. "As much as I would like seeing your lips wrapped around me, I'll handle it myself." He puffed out a throaty laugh. I hid my face in my hands giving a chance to Harry to pry them off again.

"My pretty girl, it is just the beginning. Don't worry." He tucked few hair strands behind my ear. He really liked to do it.


"Then what?"

"We will meet again?"

"There's no other option." Harry shrugged.

"So, then should I leave?"

"I never asked you to leave in the first place." He raised his eyebrows looking down at me.

"Harry you are making it difficult for me!" I whined and he laughed and how could I resist from laughing as well?

"Okay, you will go but come back soon. Right?" His grip didn't shift for a bit. I nodded confirming that I will meet him.

"Okay." I sighed and gestured him to leave me. He huffed and untangled his arms from me making sure to grab handful of my butt making me shriek in response.

I walked away and turned the door knob to go.

"Angry Bird?"

"Yes?" I turned around.

"Here is an album of the Backstreet Boys, just see if you like it." He timidly reached his arm out holding a CD cover in his hand.

"Oh yes, thank you. I will listen to it." I smiled and in turn Harry also gave me his heart warming smile.

I reached out to take the CD from his hand and he quickly grabbed my arm pulling me to him giving an ever lasting; well not forever; a body heating kiss with his lips lingering on every millimeter of mine.

"We will meet soon. I love you baby." He deeply stated and I nodded in approval.

"I love you too."



I know it's late but my school are reopening again tomorrow and all I can say is that the updates will be a bit slower. I hope you understand. X

Vote and comment guys.

Until next time,
Much love,
Mohika Arya.

Inimitable Love. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now