2. Because...I like you

Start from the beginning

He looked at Pacifica and then at me, motioning towards her, I knew what he was proposing since he was the only one who knew about my crush on Pacifica...of course I didn't tell him! He just figured it out on his own one day...a letter, I wrote to her but never had the guts to give it to her.

"What?..." I asked acting like I didn't know what he was talking about.
"Here's your chance." He whispered to me.
"What?! Absolutely not!" I whisper-shouted. "She's clearly upset now, I don't want to make her more upset by telling her that her best friend has a crush on her!"
"Why would that upset her?" He asked confused.
"Why wouldn't it?...look I've done the calculations...like I mentioned before, Pacifica has a crush everyday and they all go south! Could you imagine how much she'd hate me for liking her instead of just being her friend and sticking by her side?!"
"Why can't you just do both?...I think you're looking into this too much-"
"Look Robbie, just because I accidentally sent you that letter that day instead of her, doesn't mean you're an expert on this now! There are a lot of things that you're good at but this just isn't one of them, so stay out of it!"I then walked over to Pacifica and said next to her.

She didn't look up at me, just kept angrily throwing pebbles into the water.

"I had a crush once..." I mumbled.
"What?" Now she asked looking up at me.
I looked away from her. "I had a crush once." I repeated more clearly.
"Who?" She asked turning back to the river and throwing another pebble at it, harder.
Robbie had walked over but I tired to ignore him. "Uhm...some girl-"
"What did she looked like?"
"Oh...uh...well...she had this vibrant blonde hair...it was so pretty and she was so creative with it...each day she would have it styled a new way...and whether it'd be up or down...or had a head band in it...she always looked so..." Robbie hit me. "Ouch!" I yelled. "What was that for?!"
"I think you're being too specific about this crush of yours, Gid." He pointed to Pacifica, who had stopped throwing her pebbles and was looking at me oddly now...uh oh.
"Piedmont!" I quickly yelled.
"What?" She asked not expecting that.
"Piedmont...Piedmont, California...she lived back in my home town...not here Incase, you know...that's what you were worried about...no one here in Levity floats, in Piedmont...yup Piedmont."
"Oh...Well what happened?...did you ever tell her?"
"Uhm..." I looked down. "No...I...uh...didn't tell her.."
"Why not?" She asked confused, now clutching the pebble in her hand.
"Well...she was my best friend...and I didn't want to ruin that.."
"But what if she liked you back?"
"She...she didn't...trust me." I looked up at her. "She never will."
"Well maybe one day...when you go back to Piedmont, California you'll have the guts to anyway." She threw her last pebble in the water "What was her name?"
"The girl...your crush?" She said in a duh tone.
"Oh right..." I tried to think, obviously I had made her up. "It was..." suddenly the ground began to shake and the river began to rumble.

We got up and quickly backed up from it. Through the water the gobble-wonker began to rise.

Pacifica tried to pull me away but I tried to stay to get a picture.

Eventually we got it stuck in a cave and got all the pictures possible but we soon found out that it wasn't a monster at all just something McGuket made up to get the attention of his son.

I smashed the camera on our walk back to Robbie's house.
"Don't worry, Gid." He patted my back. "You'll get far better pictures tonight."
"Tonight?" I asked confused. "What are we doing tonight?"
Pacifica and Robbie glared at me until I finally caught up. "Oh my god!" I hit my head. "I'm so sorry! I totally forgot it was your birthday! I just got so caught up in the gobble-wonder thing!"
"It's alright buddy..." He ruffled my hair. "...Just make sure you get me a gift! I'll text you the place later...see ya!" He waved at us as he went into his house.
"Byeeee!" Pacifica and I said in unison.
"Are we actually going to that?" I scoffed once Robbie shut the door.
"Whaaaaattt?? Robbie's party?? Of course we are!...why wouldn't we?"
"Uhm because you know he's gonna invite Wendy!"
"Well we know she wouldn't bother us because Robbie will be there and if she does then they'll be broken up!" She cheered. "Besides you said you liked it better when I liked Robbie anyways..."
"What?! I didn't mean that you should like him again! He's clearly not interested."
"No...he's just dating someone else right now..."
"I don't think that's really that different..."
"Why do you have to be so negative all the time?!" She wined. "For once can you just help me!"
I sighed. "I'm not negative...I just can't stand the thought of you being with someone else." But of course I didn't say that out loud instead I said...
"Fine...what's the plan? How are we breaking up Wendy and Robbie tonight?"
"Yes! Thank you! Thank you!" She cheered and squeezed me tight.
"Yeah of course...no problem." I blushed hugging her back.

She then let go and began to explain the plan
as we walked back to the mystery shack, more importantly trying to shake the feeling that I was being watched...............

🌟5 votes for the next chapter! 🌟

________Author's Note_________
Hope you guys liked the first chapter after a longggg break I'll be asking for things like "ten stars for the next chapter!" Here or whatever to keep me movtivated!

If you guys have any questions about my version of reverse falls (most of it is the same but I changed a few things or added because I couldn't find it on the internet)

So yeah any questions? Just ask and I might a whole chapter dedicated to a Q&A !

And you may notice how do sometimes out of order ...like how in this chapter they're looking for the gobble-wonker but Robbie and Wendy are already dating even though they don't get together until way later in Gravity falls....so don't really refer back to that the time lies in making are completely different.

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