Bittersweet Wishes // Alex Standall x Reader

Start from the beginning

"I'll be okay, I promise," you said meekly, knowing that it wasn't a promise you were sure that you could keep. Alex stopped his pacing, instead crossing the room and sitting back down next to you.

"You don't understand," He said, trying to swallow the passion in his words. "This -" He gestured to your arm. "This isn't okay. Not in any way. And even if I can't be the one to hold you anymore, I need to know that the next guy that gets to call you his treats you right." You swallowed back the urge to kiss him right then and there, instead choosing to lift your sleeve back up to where it belonged.

"Just pretend that never happened, okay? I shouldn't have told you. I'm sorry." You began to get up, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back down.

"Let me help you," he pleaded. You looked into his eyes, seeing the desperation pooling up in them.

"I don't think there's anything you can do," you replied, curling your legs up close to your stomach, reassessing once again what was really at stake here – Sure, Alex could possibly help you get out you out of an abusive relationship, but you also knew, with absolute certainty, that Bryce wouldn't hesitate to tell him that you were pregnant...And the baby was Alex's.

Alex was the one that you loved, but Bryce was rich enough to support the child, and you didn't know if Alex felt anything at all for you anymore, or how he would take the news. A wave of nausea gripped you as you considered a future spent alone and struggling to provide for your baby on your own.

"I can kick his ass and make sure he never lays a hand on you again, that's what I can do," Alex said, cracking his knuckles.

"He'll kill you," you stated, instead of voicing your real concern.

"You don't have to worry about me," he said, moving as if to touch you again, but second-guessed the action and kept to himself again. You wished that he would – that he would come back and hold you, and you could close your eyes and pretend that the whole fiasco had never happened.

Instead, he began to make his way to the door saying, "Stay where you are, okay? I won't be too long, I promise." You swallowed, hard, knowing that you couldn't let him continue on. It seemed that there would be no way of stopping him once he had made up his mind, and you couldn't let him hear the news from Bryce.

"Alex!" You yelled out, causing him to pause and look back at you.

"What?" He questioned. You slipped out of his bed, going over to him and wrapping your arms around him, holding him close. His arms naturally wrapped around you, and you sucked in the moment, making up for the lost time when you had been missing him. His arms were where you felt safest, but you knew that you were merely procrastinating for more time.

"There's something that I need to tell you," you whispered once the two of you had parted. You took one deep breath before telling him the truth – Quickly, in a burst of courage, so you couldn't change your mind.

"Y/N," he breathed out. Tears edged out of the side of his eyes. "That's amazing. Why didn't you tell me?" He crouched down so that he was eye level with your stomach. He rested a hand on it, even though the baby wasn't yet developed enough to kick.

"We weren't together anymore, and, I...I feared that you wouldn't be supportive of it." You voiced your fears out loud.

"I give you my word that you'll never have to go another day thinking that. I love you, Y/N. And I love our child that you are carrying, and I will support both you and him or her until the end of time. I promise you this." He cupped your face as silent tears crept down and kissed you. His touch was ever so soft. He treated you like you were fragile, like you were precious, like he really meant it when he said that you mattered to him.

"But," he spoke when the two of you came for air. "That just makes it all the more important that I get you away from Bryce. I need to take care of not only you, but also our little one, okay? Whatever it takes, I'll do it." He kissed you one more time before making the move to leave again, and this time, you didn't stop him. He paused briefly at the doorway, turning around to give you a bittersweet smile, and then he was gone.

You looked around Alex's room, drinking in how everything in it reminded you of him, and of all of your memories together. It suddenly seemed stupid to you that you had ever believed that he wouldn't be accepting of it, or that he had ever stopped caring for you. Looking back, it was apparent in everything that he did that the feelings were still there for him, too – How quickly he had noticed that something was up with you, that you weren't acting as you normally did, and had made you come over his house and practically interrogated you until he had found out the truth.

He had initially broken things off with you during the fallout from Hannah's death, cutting you off as he had with everyone else, and, although you had initially pushed to find the root of the matter, he hadn't cracked, and you had given up. You now wished that you hadn't given up so easily, realizing that maybe none of this would've happened if you did...But there was no undoing the past.

You didn't know what would happen from here. You could only hope and pray that things would end up being okay – But, for the first time in a long time, you had the feeling that, maybe they could be.

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