Bittersweet Wishes // Alex Standall x Reader

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Request: i wanted something like: alex and the reader are ex, but still love each other and bryce start hitting on her and she doesnt want it so he blackmail her and she has to start to act like she wants to be with him, and he starts hurting her physically and alex notices it, and in the middle of the drama she finds out she is pregnant from alex and they start getting fluffy

Alex gently slid down the sleeve of your shirt, sucking in his breath when he saw the blossoming bruise spreading across your arm, which was reaching its pique of ugliness in an array of dark blues and blacks.

"Who did this to you?" He asked quietly. You didn't answer, chewing on the inside of your cheek instead, afraid that speaking the words out loud might somehow cause Bryce's awareness to your confession, and that he would merely punish you more for revealing your little secret.

You weren't quite sure how you had ended up in this situation – Everything had moved so quickly, but you could trace the start of everything back to one particular event: When you and Alex had broken up. It couldn't have been more than a month ago, but the pain of it still hurt whenever the memory of what the two of you had been crossed your mind. Truth be told, you still loved him, and you didn't know where everything had gone. You desperately wished that it hadn't. Then, maybe the two of you would be kissing, his hand resting on your thigh, your head in the clouds, instead of being stuck here like this.

"Was it Bryce?" He asked, his guess right on point. You nodded, a single tear making its way down your cheek.

"I'll fucking kill him," He growled, and you watched as he curled his hands into fists. "That little motherfucker," He mumbled, getting off of the bed and beginning to pace around the room, clearly trying to devise a plan to get back at the cocky asshole.

"Please, don't," you whimpered. It was less of a desire for him to leave Bryce alone, and more of a cry of fear of how your tormentor would react.

"Why? Do you actually like him?" Alex spit out, as if the mere suggestion of such a thing was a crime. He rolled his shoulders backwards as if releasing tension from them. "Whatever. It doesn't matter either way. Anyone who loved you wouldn't treat you like that, and he needs to learn a lesson. He can't keep going around ruining lives with no consequences."

"I don't like him," you said, keeping out what you really wanted to add – That you loved Alex. You had always loved Alex. You'd been trying to heal your broken heart with a dosage of the best drug on the market for such a thing – ice cream – when Bryce had first walked up to you. Stuck in your head, you hadn't even noticed that he was there until he was already sitting across from you, an arrogant smirk perched on your face.

He'd offered to be your rebound date, saying that it would certainly make Alex jealous, but you'd turned him down, feeling disgusted at the mere thought of going out with a guy like him. Even though he was one of the most popular guys in the school, you'd heard some of the rumors, and none of them were anything good.

Unfortunately for you, he hadn't taken no for an answer, threatening to blackmail you if you didn't go out with him. You weren't even sure how he had found out your biggest secret, but it didn't matter either way – Now that he knew it, he dangled it over your head, and both it and him had been casting a shadow on you and your life ever since. But your fear of the secret getting out had overpowered any desire to try and make an escape from the toxic relationship, and you had simply accepted that you would have to be his – or at least pretend to be – until he was done with you.

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