Playful Heart [9] Sunday

Start from the beginning

“Nikolai, I’m not mad.” My father’s voice said reassuringly. I stared at the screen, shocked for a second. “I needed a minute to let it sink in. Boy, your mothers going to have a field day with this.” He chuckled and I saw Tyler nodding his head in agreement.

He wasn’t mad. My dad wasn’t mad. Now, I actually felt like crying.

“There’s a little detail that your son is leaving out about his mate.” Nate suddenly said and I looked at him confused. He was giving me crazy eyes, as if trying to tell me what I was missing, but I was drawing a blank.

“Jesus, you are dumb. Your son has succeeded in not only having Lysander as his mate. But he also has not told him, is not dating him and instead, is dating his cousin.”

“Oh yeah.” I drawled, suddenly remembering what he wanted me to say. I started nervous laughing and turned to see my dad giving me a hard stare.

“Your mate does not know?” He asked and I threw my hands up.


“Kolya. You need to tell him. The longer you stay away, the more it will hurt, trust me. I would know.” That he would.

“And the fact that you are being intimate with someone other than him, in front of him is definitely hurting him. He may not know the connection between you two, but he still has those feelings and the longer you take in explaining, the worse it’s going to be.” When he finished speaking I knew that was the end of that conversation.

I needed to tell Lysander, and until then, my dad didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

“I’m sorry, but has anyone else noticed the girl sitting next to them?” Tyler’s deep voice suddenly rang out and my dad looked closer at the screen.

“Yeah, I saw her, but then she wasn’t moving so I thought it was a ghost or something. And we all know how Nate almost shits himself when it comes to the paranormal.” Navaeh deadpanned and Nate flipped her off.

“Nate, Nikolai. Care to explain?” My dad asked, and I threw on my best smile.

“Dad, Tyler, Navaeh. Meet Essie. Essie, meet the Alpha, his annoying follower and the spawn of Satan.” Nate chocked back a laugh as I smiled at the screen.

“Tyler, I think we need to discuss some more punishments for my son when he returns.” My dad’s eyes never left mine, but I didn’t want to show him I was scared, so I continued to smile, before looking at Essie.

“Do you want to explain your story, or…”

“I’d rather not. It is long and I’m tired. You can give a short version though.” She answered in the same monotone voice. I was going to have to work with her on emotions.

“Okay. Essie is married to Victor Salvatore—“

“Victor Salvatore? As in the leader of shape shifters?” Navaeh gasped.

“Yes. Him.” I deadpanned. I finished explaining the story Essie told us, a shortened one albeit, and I saw my dad slowly nodding his head.

“So, she isn’t like the ones in Emery?” He asked and I shook my head.

“If she was, I wouldn’t be helping her.” I said and he glared at me. I felt my heart twist and it suddenly dawned on me about how much I missed my parents. How much I missed my pack. I felt tears threatening to spill, but pushed them back when my dad cleared his throat.

“So, is this the reason you left? To find your mate?” I stared at him confused and saw Nate out of the corner of my eye. He was moving his eyes back and forth, as if trying to communicate with me, but I didn’t understand, so, I decided to play along.

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