559 50 983

honestly , the only way i judge you to enter this volunteer fic , is through spams and comments etc. call me biased or a huge bitch , but afs take too long and sometimes i wanna cry and kill myself waiting for the forms.

* edit !! your screentime in the book will be based off the amount of spams youve done so yea , it doesnt matter who you are even if ive accepted you already , spam otherwise your character will have zero screentime :) *

* new!! edit : so guys , just saying , im not accepting or choosing people who
1) dont tag people
2) dont spam
3) just vote
4) are being rude
5) under any condition i find necessary to not accept them.
im sorry but there are 24 slots and i need active people + somemore coverage on this man ><
* hint : im thirsty for follows so if youre following , you automatically have a fluff point *

ive honestly never ever seen someone really rude in this community , but jic. im sorry , im a huge bitch and if i have to go against your bitchy-ness too , girl things are not gonna go down well. so im sorry but PLEASE be nice to each other <3
( make love not hate , ill stahp now )

i think im the one whos created volunteer fics ??? correct me if im wrong but i think i am so yea , please dont copy it without creditting me. i beg of you :(

in order to enter this volunteer fic , please do tag 5 friends and tell me whats your favourite song of this year , be it kpop or not kpop. it doesnt matter if your friends dont like afs etc. i just wna see people spreading the word ya know ???

hi guys , if i accept you in this v.f , please do stay active and spam even after youre accepted or chosen because i mean , cmon i need someone to keep me alive while i write shit.  and feel free to restalk and respam this book. it gives you major points in being accepted <33

the way this will work is people who have the most comments / most votes / most activeness will get in. i will judge it myself and please dont kill me if you dont get in. this rule works for my friends too okay , im being fair. it doesnt matter who you are to me , activeness is key * please dont let me die on dryness *

now , as you can see from this title , love interests are ONLY wanna one boys + seventeen members. i had an idea for a seventeen af but then again , no one would apply :)

for face claims , im putting this strictly kpop idols because , i suck at ulzzangs ;—; + i mean , these boys are kpop idols so might as well right ? there will be a faceclaims + love interest background chapter. i will ONLY use those in the faceclaims chapter as faceclaims. no additions or whatever not. if its not on there , im sorry but too bad :( i really want underrated faceclaims so yea. if you have underrated groups however , please do recommend them to me ^^ thank you loves <3

* disclaimer ;; jinyoung from wanna one will be taken and so will jeonghan from seventeen. im sorry my lovelies , and please dont pm me to change my choice *

now , there will be a entry slip form thingy that i will post , but dont worry , its real short and sweet and just asks for basic information because i dont want overlaping personalities in this v.f due to the amount of people there will be i mean 13+11=24 applicants in total so yea <3

* hint : if a slot is really popular , go for the lesser popular ones loves. thanks <3 *
* hint : use only google docs or pastebin. both dont matter anymore bc i found myself someone who can help me review the pastebin forms ^^ *

ahh , my favourite part of everything. the password. there are 5 passwords.

1) its hidden in this chapter
2) your bias in seventeen
3) your bias in wanna one
4) a playlist for the slot youre going for
5) your top 3 favourite kdramas or jdramas
( bonus if you know my three most favourite boys in the world )

I'll make amendments to this list if i need to. im sorry i just wanted to get this chapter out by tonight and im really drowsy so DOWN I GOOOOO


the dandelion and the beast || svt + wannaone v.fWhere stories live. Discover now