requests & rules♡

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if you decide to request an imagine/preference, please follow these rules;

×NO racial slurs
×NO controversial topics
×NO sexism, homophobia, etc.
×NO personal preferences (ex. hair color, eye color, gender, etc.)
×ALL requests will be credited
×Please be sure to clarify which character (property of Shameless) to use for your request. (I.e.: Carl Gallagher, Lip Gallagher, Fiona Gallagher...)
×Also, please give me a time frame to work with. For example: season 5 Ian, where he has a manic episode, or, season 7 Mickey, where you have to break it off with him across the border.

Each imagine/preference is, and will remain, gender neutral.

So, please, comment some ideas for preferences & imagines!!! ♡♡♡

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