Chapter Twenty

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"Geez!" Was the first word Emma said after Devon and Micah went to have their inaudible conversation.

"That's an intense way to cast a curse," Regina finished.

Charlotte butted in, "Like, yeah. The only problem is-"

"We might not be able to break it." Neal looked to the ground, and so did everybody else.

Unless, I thought, I tell everyone that their is a way to break it, but I better leave some other people to do that.

Regina broke the silence with a hopeful suggestion, "We should at least try to find my castle," everyone looked up, knowing this was going in a forward direction, "I may be able to whip up a spell to help find Snow."

"What about David?" I asked.

"Oh, trust me," Emma started, "if my mother is anywhere, David will be right by her side, all the time."

"But sweetheart," Robin put a hand on Regina's shoulder and looked her in the eyes, "where are you going to find a piece of something that is valuable to snow in your castle? She has hated that place for years!"

"I have my reasons," she told him, "you trust have to trust me."

"I will always trust you."

"Well, could we use our magic to try to telleport to the castle?" Emma asked.

Regina answered, "It would take much effort from you, Maylen, Neal, and I to try to get everyone there."

"What about me, I have magic, can't I help to?" Charlotte asked, confused.

"Not yet, you haven't even learned how to use it," Regina answered.

We all held hands in a circle, I held Claire's and Killian's hand, Emma held Killian's hand and Micah's hand, Regina held Micah's and Charlotte's hands, and Robin held Neal's and Claire's hand.

"What about Devon?" Neal whispered to Micah, but Devon was right behind him and whispered in his ear.

"I'm right behind you guys, but I'm not joining the circle."

Neal shrugged, "That's fine with me."

Micah tried to slug Neal in the stomach, but he was too quick and blocked her hand. I let out a soft laugh.

"Ok, everyone think of my castle, and on three Emma, Maylen, Neal, and I will use our Magic to transport ourselves to it."

I thought of Regina's castle, and as soon as I heard three, and gathered up all my magic inside of me and knew that this had to work. I squeezed Killian's and Claire's hands, preparing for the worst.

As soon as I felt solid ground again, I opened my eyes.

"Why in the world are we still in the middle of the forest?" Shouted an angry Killian.

"At least we're not in the same part of the forest, mate," Robin told him.

"We difnitley moved, and I think I know where, follow me," Regina said, and she started walking into a thick patch of over grown ivy.

"Are you sure this isn't poisonous?" Claire asked.

Regina shrugged, so every step we were careful from that point on.

Finally we reached a clearing, and what was in front of us wasn't a sight for sore eyes. It would make your eyes sore.

"Well, there it is," Regina thrust her hands out to the castle. The towers were breaking down, it was crowded with overgrown ivy, and the gates were rusted to the point if you touched them, they would probably fall down.

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