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Jasmines POV

Ugh finally I'm done with my classes I think to myself as I finish my last class, walking back to my room. It's now 5:00pm, I had extra things to work on.
I unlock the door to the room and when I open it I run in preparing to launch into Ethan's arms, only to find he's not there. I sigh to myself and pull out my phone to text him, when I see I've already received one from him.
When did he send me this?? I never got the notification

Baby😽❤: hey princess. You're just now getting back from classes and you're wondering where I am, correct? Go to your night stand. Xx

Confused, I walk over to my night stand by my bed. I see a note.
"Wanna see me? Man, I sure am hungry."
My mind races, this must be a clue game.
I grab my phone and race down to the cafeteria.
I walk in and I see a single pink balloon. I walk over to it and see there are words written with sharpie on it.

"So, jas. I'm really tired, I need something to boost my energy.. hm.."

AHA! Starbucks. This boy thinks he can outsmart me, this is too easy.

Luckily for me, the Starbucks that is on campus is right across the street, I just walked right over there. I walked in and it was empty except for one worker.
"Are you Jasmine?" She asked sweetly.
"Uh, yes, I am" I returned a smile.
"Wait right here" she said, I did as told. She came back with a drink.. my favorite drink.
"Here baby, enjoy" she said.
"Thanks so much" I giggled.
I looked at the cup and written on it was
"I like visiting with my brother" I laughed to myself.
I went over to graysons dorm and walked up to his room. I walked in and there were two Victoria secret bags and five Sephora bags, along with a few other bags from local stores at the mall. I'm going to melt. This boy, I swear.
I looked through all the bags until there was one bag left. I opened it and there was a perfume bottle and a note was taped into it. I took the note and read it
"Hey babe, thanks for putting up with me lol. This is the last one, okay? Go back to our room and grab your keys, because you're up for a drive. Go to our favorite beach that we always went to over the summer together. It's only an hour away haha, goodluck. I love you"
Oh geez.
I race back to my dorm and once I get to the room and grab my purse and shove in my keys, lipstick, my phone, etc. I got to my car and headed towards the beach.
What did I do to deserve this boy?

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