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Another day, another piece of me gone.

I slowly get out of bed and walk towards the full length mirror on my wall. Why is it that every time I look in the mirror I see a piece of trash?

I see someone who is:




A Moron.



Me, Summer Hathaway.

The lines on my arms are still red, which means it's a long-sleeve today, again. Each scar has a memory.






No one wants you.

My life went down-hill when I started middle school. My mother died and my father started getting drunk every night. Each night he would take it out on me, making my body more and more purple.

My best friend, Tomika, knows about the bruises, but since I am such a klutz, I tell her I tripped, fell, or bumped into something. But it's been so long since she has been at my house. Everytime we hang out now, I make excuses so we can go to her house instead.

The only thing that keeps me going is her... and him, Freddy.

I have had a massive crush on him since fourth grade. Now, we are in ninth grade. He is fifteen, and I'm fourteen, turning fifteen in a couple of months. He is so nice, sweet, understanding, attractive, and caring. He is the total package, nut he never notices me.

No matter how hard I try, he just doesn't seem to return my feelings. I have starved myself and changed my look a little bit, but he is still oblivious that I fawn over him everyday.

I wish he would look at me like I look at him.

He is the only guy in the world to me. He is my sunshine, my smile, my friend, my crush, my heart, my soul, my everything.


"Open this door!" I hear my father yell.

Oh no.

If he comes in he'll hurt me. But if I don't open the door, he'll try to sexually assault me again. Or even worse... kill me.

"I'm only gonna ask one more time you bitch! Open this motherfucking door!" he roars.

With trembling legs, I walk myself to the other side of the room. With quivering fingers, I slowly turn the lock on the doorknob.

As soon as the lock clicks, the door busts open, throwing me to the ground.

"Why was the damn door locked?!" my dad asks angrily.


"I thought I told you that you can never lock this door!" he growls.

He brings his foot back, and as if in slow motion, he contacts my stomach. Throbbing and burning pain spreads through my stomach, and I clutch it, bringing my knees and arms in, making myself into a ball.

"It won't happen again. I promise, Dad," I say with tears threatening my eyes.

"What did you just say?!" he screams, kicking me in the head.

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