Arrests & First Impressions

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Three weeks later and I'm still busting my butt at Russo's, all the while collecting more data and shipping it off to Amaya. On Monday March 31, she texts me three words that get my heart racing. "Beware the boss." My hair is up and my black apron is tied around the thickness on my hips. I attempt to cover my breasts but the black barista v-neck isn't allowing them to be hidden. I look like I should be working at a hooters, but nonetheless I'm working. I can't say the extra money from this job has not been helping me. I've been giving it to Hayley, and doing some shopping. But it's been bothersome about what will happen to Mr. Russo when he's caught. As I wipe down the front counter and watch with my glasses hanging on the tip of my nose, a tall girl dressed in men's clothing strides in through the doorway. She's casual, yet clean cut. She wears a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Her hair is curly and falling into her eyes. The undercut is fresh and and her chocolate skin is smooth and glistening. I don't know why. But she makes my mouth water. Her jeans are tight everywhere except her waist, and they hang casually off of her hips. Her Chelsea boots are suede and she simply looks good. Her body is fit. She's not skinny at all. She's muscular and still feminine. Her breasts and hips are noticeable. But she is still very masculine, the look in her deep brown eyes makes me shiver. She steps up to the desk. Her eyes look me over and I sense danger in them. She smiles.

"Hello--"she glances at my name tag. "Jess. How are you this morning?" Ooh her voice is like butter. Smooth and calming, deeper than I was expecting, but still obviously feminine.

"I'm- I'm um. I'm doing good. You?" I ask her. Her eyes grow thirty to forty years older and she frowns.

"I've been better. Much better. May I have a large caramel frappe, with extra caramel sauce and whipped cream, a breakfast sandwich, and the toasted granola nut oatmeal. What else would you recommend?" I raise my eyebrows. She smiles. Stammering leads to eventual speech on my end.

"Okay, well I like the wild berry salad and yogurt parfait, with the toasted strawberry granola." I say. She nods.

"For a drink?" She asks.

"Um, the raspberry and mint tea brewed cold is pretty good. Refreshing. Acidic and still sweet. If you like that kind of thing." I shrug and she smiles.

"I do like it. I'll have it all. But hold it for a second please I need to go to the back and talk to my friend." I raise my brows but nod as she glances at the door. Two police officers show up and follow her smooth silhouette to the back room. That must be the bosses assistant. They said she was a lesbian. But they didn't say she looked like that. I begin making her order and send the food to the back of the house. She didn't give me a name, so I just put attractive female stranger. As I blend her tea, screaming comes from the back. An angry man hollers curse words as a struggle breaks out. I'm unsure of what's happening but I decide it's none of my business. I continue working as the back door bursts open and the police are dragging Mr. Russo out in handcuffs with force. He's wearing his underwear. A few seconds later the attractive female steps from the back office with papers in her hands. The same papers I sent to Amaya. She looks them over and smirks at me.

"When you saw this you did the math?" She asks.

"Yes. Yes I did." I tell her. She nods and smiles.

"Is my order finished?" I nod at her. She gives one stern nod and gestures to the front table near the large floor to floor window. "Have you eaten this morning, Jess?" Her voice is low and gentle. I shake my head.

"No." She once again gestures to the table.

"Take the items you preferred and have a seat. Breakfast for you is on me today." She states.

I nod. Something about her makes me want to listen. Like if she asked me to jump I'd say how high. Everything she says seems like a must. Not a request. Something I have to do, or else consequences will be unavoidable. I pick up my raspberry tea, and parfait and head to the table. She follows behind me with her food and her eyes stay glued to the documents. She doesn't misstep a stride. Everything about her is calm. She sits with me and stares at the paper, pulling a pen from her hair, which causes more of it to fall into her face. She pushes it back with a long fingered right hand showing thick, well groomed and dark eyebrows, and long thick winged eyelashes. Ugh. She's gorgeous. Her jawline is tight and chiseled but her collarbones show beneath her now unbuttoned shirt. They're slender, and her breasts swell noticeably underneath her shirt. I catch myself.
Oh my goodness! Am I checking her out? She writes on the sides of the paper numbers. Huge numbers. Familiar numbers. The ones I sent to Amaya, and she shakes her head in what looks like dismay.

"You used a calculator?" She asks me. I open my eyes and nod at her.

"Yes. I did it twice in my head but I was too afraid to trust it. The calculator seemed like a better option." I respond. She glances me over, then puts her head down writing a complicated algebraic equation on he back of the documents she acquired from Ahmed's office. She then slides the paper to me and nods at it, crossing her muscular arms over her slender body. I peer at the equation and break the numbers down in my head. Carrying the x with me like a bad habit and finally finding its solution. I look up at her, use my index finger to push up my glasses and clear my throat.

"X equals seven." She looks at the question. Then at her phone, and smiles.

"Yes. Yes x is seven. Well done. What's your full name please?" She asks me still holding up her phone.

"Um, Jessamine Athena WestleBrook. Ma'am." She nods and then holds her phone up taking a picture of me. At that she puts the phone away, and eats her breakfast in silence. When she's finished she speaks.

"Thank you. For your work. Russo has been stealing money for years. This isn't the first time. He owes about 5.2 million dollars to Worthy Inc. The only reason I'm even letting him stay out of prison is because his family needs him, but he's going to do a year, and he's fired, and the items he bought with the money are being loaded into a truck right now to be given in return for the money he embezzled. I repoed his car. 2017 Maserati. You wouldn't happen to know anyone who needs a job do you?" She asks. I nod quickly.

"Um, yeah I do. Her name is Hayley Winchester. My roomate and best friend. She's great, and in college and could use it. She loves Cafes." I say. She nods.

"Deal, as long as you keep the books she should be fine." She stands coolly and throws away her trash. Not a speck of food anywhere around her. She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out her check book.

"For your trouble. By your trouble I mean your work. That's your first paycheck. Your getting it early because well, just made about 5.4 million.
Give your friend this card and tell her to call me." She begins to walk away but then she stops, and looks back at me asking; "Um, what do you drive?" I'm taken aback.

"Um, a Honda Accord." I say.

"Year?" She questions.

"Two thousand and eight." She shakes her head.

She rubs her chin and shakes her head clicking her tongue.

"That won't do." She hands me car keys and shrugs saying. "You drive a Maserati Granturismo now. Enjoy it. Make sure Hayley calls me. Go home. Get some rest. I'll have my people come in and clean up."

At that she dons dark shades, smiles, and struts away with the swagger of a rich and privileged college boy, who just got his first lay. I stare after her until she disappears. When three men in suits and a cleaning crew show up I know it's time to go. I remove all of my items from my accord and give the keys to the first homeless person I see along with a hundred dollars. Then I pile myself into the new Maserati and scratch my head. What on Earth happened today? I look at the check and my jaw drops as it's a salary made for kings. About two months worth. Fifteen thousand dollars. In one check. I squint my eyes in confusion and shock. I look at the card she gave me and get stuck at the name. Worthy Incorporated. Uriah Worthy. 540792455. The biggest company in the world is run by an androgynous woman. A fine one at that.

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