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1 Day Later

Natsu P.O.V

          Gramps said that Gray and I just grt together and touch my scarf and his necklace together. I hugged Lucy and told her I would be home soon. She held me tightly and told me to be safe.

          Gray and I stood no more than a foot a part. We put our enchanted items together and they began to glow again. "You two will do great things" Gramps said as he waved good bye. "Goodbye my beloved Gray!" Juvia shouted. Soon Gray and I began to float. Then we blasted off. When we stopped flying, something was not right. Gray and I weren't alone.

          "Lucy! Juvia!" Gray and I yelled in unison as they popped their head out of the cloud ground. "What are you two doing here!" Gray panicked. 

          "Hmm, I don't know. I guess we just chose to be here!" Lucy exclaimed sarcastically. "Whatever, just come on. We need to start walking before it becomes night." I said as I walked down the cloud pathway.  

Gray P.O.V

          We walked until we got to a big metallic, blue, cloud city. "Wow, this place is beautiful" Lucy said in awe. "Natsu, Gray?" I heard a smooth voice call from behind. We all instantly turned around. Behind us was a women with long raven black hair and bright brown eyes.

          "Mom?" I said not controlling what I was saying.

          "My children," she sobbed, "they have finally come to save us" After standing quietly for a little, Natsu ran in for a hug. I went for one not long after. Whats this feeling I have? Its warm. Finally, I had a mom. It felt... nice. Actually, it felt nice to finally have an actual family. Although Fairy Tail was a sort of family, this was my real family. Something I never really had.

Natsu P.O.V

          My mom. My actual mom. She was gorgeous. "Wait, I thought war was happening. Why isn't this place... damaged?" Gray asked confused. "You see my child, this beautiful place is meant to be a place of peace. With my magic, every morning, after the war has taken its toll on our beautiful town, I use my earth magic to make it look like nothing happened. You are here because, only you can stop this war. My magic won't last very much longer, to keep up what I am doing." She explained walking us to "our home". 

          When we got home, the place was huge! Probably bigger than all of Fairy Tail. "Now, who are these two beautiful young ladies?" She asked sitting on her couch, crossing her legs.

          Lucy and Juvia bowed. "I am Lucy Heartfilia of the Heartfilias, celestial wizard of Fairy Tail. Its an honor to meet you" Lucy said as she came back up from her bow. "I am Juvia Loxar, water mage of Fairy Tail" Juvia said giving the woman a gentle grin.

          "Ahh, I see. What beautiful names you have. My name is Rainne, Goddess of Nature. Now, either you two are in love with my princes or you two shouldn't be here"

          I stepped forward, "I am in love with Lucy. But what does that have to do with anything?" Lucy blushed a little. "The person that is dearest to your heart, goes where you go. Now I would assume that my Gray is in love with you, my dear Juvia" "Huh" Juvia blushed furiously. Gray grunted and looked away.

          "Well..." Gray started. "Oh come on Gray! Everybody knows that you two have a thing going on. We all know you two love eachother. So don't even think of lying, stripper!" I yelled. 


Heyy... I hope you're enjoying the story. Ahh Gruvia. Doesn't it make you smile? I know it makes me ♥♥♥ Sorry Gray is one of my FAVORITE characters from Fairy Tail, so sorry im fan girling. Anyway, see you next time on the next chappy. Comment, vote, follow me and I'll follow you back. Bye ♥

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