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Wake me, when you need me.
Those were the last words from a real person she heard in four years.
Being alone. Waiting endlessly for someone, anyone, to find them so they could just go home, was like a nightmare.

Truthfully, Cortana could awake John, the Master Chief, any time she felt like it. But it would be a waste of time. No need to get his hopes up.

"Mayday. Mayday. Mayday, this is UNSC FFG-201 Forward Unto Dawn requesting immediate evac. Survivors aboard - priority code victor zero five dash three dash sierra one one seven." Her distress beacon replayed itself ever since they escaped through the portal from the ark. But to Cortana's dismay, no response ever came.

As her loneliness came, so did her rampancy.

Her thoughts turned from fuzzy memories to dark thoughts. But as she began to dive deeper into her thoughts, something shook the ship, and operational alarms began to play.

Wake me when you need me. Right now, she needed him. Whatever it was making that noise, was not UNSC, or they would have responded to her signal.

"Chief." She began the process of awakening him from his sleep. "I need you."

The frost on the cool glass began to fade, as the heated systems started, the Chief was ground to consciousness.

"Chief?" Cortana called out.

"Cortana." Chief awoke, looking at her through the glass.

"It's good to see you again, John, something made the alarms activate on the dawn." She explained. "Get out of your pod so I can fill you in the rest."

Nodding, Chief looked up and pulled down a lever, releasing the hatch and giving him his opening. Walking out, he noticed the slight lack of gravity, but due to his weight, was able to stand normally.

Chief grabbed Cortana's disk, and plugged her into his helmet. "Where are we?" He asked.

"Location is unknown, we could have ended up in a different galaxy for all we know."

"What caused the alarms to activate?"

"Something hit us, possibly boarding craft I believe. But whoever they are, didn't respond to my distress signal, so I doubt they are UNSC."

Right after she spoke, the sound of metal tearing into metal ran throughout the ship. Chief found an assault rifle on a storage rack, and quickly placed it, plus some ammo, on his back. Then he started to walk through a corridor.

"I've got multiple intrusion alerts along several corridors by the main deck, the best way to figure this out is the observation deck, four floors up."

"Could it be the Covenant?"

"A bit unlikely considering the civil war we left behind, but who knows."

He eventually reached an elevator shaft, with a jammed elevator. Time to climb.

"Careful Chief-"

Opening the hatch, he felt the air sucked behind him and several crates were carried along with the sudden force, but managed to catch himself on the shaft wall.

"Cause some of the rooms are still de pressurized."

"Right." Chief couldn't help but think how slow Cortana was at warning him. Then a thought crossed his mind as he started to climb. "Cortana, how long was I out?"

"Four years, seven months, two days."

"That means-" Chief avoided several crates falling towards him, then returned to climbing up for several feet.

Halo/Star Wars: Awakening (Worlds Collide Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now