chapter 3

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He didn't he loved my blood. We went on for about  three hours then he said.
"Sorry i have to go to my wife"
"Wife!?! Nigga you just took my innocents"
"Im sorry but i will be seeing you again" he said smirking.
"Okay" i giggled.
I decided to skip school and go home.
"Ma!da! Im home where's Paris?"
"Girl she's at a sleepover."
I then got a text from mr.Campbell i mean milian.
Him: come to the bleachers at school
Me: k no surprises.
"Mom im sleeping at kendra's"
I grabbed over nightclothes i knew i was gone need it.
I then got to the bleachers. There he was looking fine as ever. He wore a black shirt that said hot one. A black adidas track pants and bred 11's. After school hours milian looks fine as ever to be a teacher.

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