chapter 1

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Journii Anita Blake Griffin is life's sweetheart until mr.Campbell comes and turns her life upside down. I hope she survives with the little fragile life she will be caring soon. Very soon.

im  journii  Anita Blake Griffin i moved from Arizona to California. I am just coming to a new school named crunshew heights high school. I live with my mom dad and little sister Paris nova Griffin she's 6.

I start school today right now. I am currently doing my hygiene. Lets get into my morning. I put on my lace crop top with boss  spelled out in gold. My leggings with purple flares on the sided with my jordon 1's. I see my sister on her tablet not noticing our puppy trying to steal her toast.
"Paris, misty is trying to steal your favorite french toast" i sang
"Huh oh misty look you got slobber on french toast girl" she said examining it.
"Well got to go bye baby, bye momma, daddy, and misty almost forgot" i said leaving out. Since i left my best friend Kendra said we had gotten a new english teacher. Mr.Campbell sounds fine.

Little does she know he is really fine, but will he be just fine with her surprise?

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