Part 15

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Cindy Crawford
Today Justin family coming from Canada his dad and grandparents and on both sides even Pattie and my parents coming over today I'm super nervous for this but it has to happen the door bell rung I opened it to see my parents here "Here I brought cake"Mom said "Thanks mother"I said she hugged me "Have you gained weight honey"she asked "I think Justin calling my phone"I said running to get it I checked and right when I picked it up Maddie was calling "Hey what time should I come over because I know you gonna need my support"She asked "Well my parents are here now so can you come now"I asked "Sure"she said after we hung up I went downstairs Justin came in with his dad and grandparents and the kids and a girl "Babe come here"Justin said everyone looked at me "Can we wait till Pattie and Maddie come they not here yet"I asked "Sure"He said I nodded I went to the kitchen mom came in "Cindy are you pregnant"She asked I dropped my glass it shattered "I'll take that as an yes how long have you been dating Justin"She asked "5 months"I said she closed her eyes "my god Cindy why did I let you slip into her arms she treated you like crap and unfairly and now look at you your pregnant by your first boyfriend who you only been dating for 5 months why did I let her get to me that much she took you away from me and look how you turned out I know now all of this isn't your fault but before getting pregnant you should have talked to me about things"Mom said the door opened Justin came in I wiped my tears "I'll just come back"He said "No stay right quick"Mom said he came in "Take care of her she was taken away from me and her father I'm very upset but it's not my decision what she do anymore I wasn't there to see to her grow up but please don't let any thing else happen to her"Mom said "I won't if it wasn't for me she would still be in the hell house getting hurt I made a promise to her and I'm not leaving"he said "Good I'll be with the rest when you ready to tell everyone"Mom said I nodded he came up to me "I'm nervous"I said he kissed my hand "It's okay it's better this way than being a one night stand remember"He said I nodded we walked out the kitchen going to the living room everyone was here now we stood by the front door "Hey everyone thanks for being here"Justin said "we have an announcement"I said "But first some of you don't know her her name is Cindy Marie Crawford we been dating for 5 Months she's my world and I love her I know that it's early in our relationship but"Justin said "I'm pregnant"I said Pattie smile mom smiled Jeremy nodded a woman came up to me "SLUT"She said and slapped me "Grandma"Justin yelled "Mom"Jeremy yelled she then went out side "Gold digging whore"A men said he went outside too everyone else came up to me my dad was pissed he walked out Justin went to the kitchen and got a ice pack for me then went outside Pattie came up to me so did a woman they hugged me "I'm Diane I'm Justin grandmother Pattie mother glad to meet you"She said I smiled "Thanks i remember I met you at Starbucks when I got my book sign back in 2012"I said "oh yea ok I remember that now but honey Its okay don't worry about Katie and gorge"she said "They just mad that Justin don't visit them as he do with us"She said I nodded she walked off Maddie looked at me I looked at her i Gave her a confusing look because what does that have to with Justin grandma slapping me soon Bruce came to me I remember him he's Justin favorite member in pattie family "Hello I'm Bruce"he said "I know I was a very big fan Of Justin"I said "So how did you and Justin meet"he asked "Well my best friend Maddie and his friend Khalil are cousins she introduced us"I said he smiled soon Jeremy came in the house he came up to me "Sorry about my parents I didn't introduce myself correctly I'm Justin father"He said "I know I'm a big fan and my best friend is cousins with Khalil she introduced me to Justin"I said he nodded "Well welcome to the family"he said I smiled I went outside I seen my dad by the garage I went to him "I'm pissed at you I thought you would know better than getting pregnant this early in a relationship you only been dating the guy 5 months Cindy"He said "I know dad and I'm sorry I can't go back now it's like the only people not mad are Justin mom Pattie Maddie and his grandparents"I said "Funny because what that woman just did to you don't not seem like she was happy about it"he said "Yea I know that's his dad parents Pattie family are very supportive dad I really need you to support me all my life I didn't have support from anyone but then I met Maddie she was all I had till Justin came if it wasn't if him then I would still be getting beat by that bitch I had to call a step mother and then she had the nerve to pay Justin friends to rape me she never supported me and her evil daughters I'm so glad he got me out that Fucking house"I said "your right I'm sorry I have no room to judge all because of her I lost you you would have been taught better if me and your mother was around but she threw us away"He said I hugged him "Excuse me"I heard I looked to see the men that called me a gold digger he crossed his arms "Who gave you the right to pin a baby on my grandson"he said "excuse me I didn't pin baby on him we made love like any other couple do"I said "Bitch y'all been dating for five months and all sudden you pregnant bitch please"He said "You will not talk to my daughter that way"my dad said "Well tell your daughter to keep her legs closed and find who the real baby father and stop trying to pin it on a celebrity"he said "wow that's how you view him what a great grandfather you are I don't look at Justin as a celebrity I don't know what world you live in but I live on earth in the United States of America and I love him and we going to raise this baby I don't care if you in OUR baby life or not but you will not disrespect me and my baby or our decisions"I said "Little girl you don't know shit about love hell I see he didn't invite you to the weeding so you must not be that damn important"he said "Oh let's not forget I know all about you getting rape he wasn't there to save you because he was in Canada not giving a fuck about you now with that said my grandson will be moving you out the house and we won't have this conversation again understood"He said I was about to give up but not quite yet "I'm not going anywhere"I said getting in his face he laughed "Get your daughter men"he said soon Katie and Justin came by the garage "Justin my boy I want her out this house I don't believe your the real father of that Bastard baby of her's"he said I looked at Justin "I'm not making her leave"Justin said soon the police pulled up "Sorry grandpa grandma but you shouldn't have put your hands on a pregnant woman"Justin said everyone else came outside "You really choosing this whore over family"Katie said "You slapped her grandma what do you want me to do"He asked "Kick her ass out"she said "Katie Bieber your under arrest for slapping a pregnant woman"the police officer said "Fuck you"She said  "this wasn't supposed to happen"I screamed everyone looked at me "You know what maybe we should take some time apart maybe your grandparents are right maybe we aren't made to do this"I said walking away "Babe we can work this out remember what we talked about don't let them get in your head babe I can't do this without you"He said "Do what I'm the one carrying a infant inside me"I said "You became a part of me Cindy and I love you and I don't want you to leave I don't care what my grandparents say this isn't there baby this is our baby"he said "I'll be over Maddie till they leave because im not staying in the same house as your grandfather you sending your grandmother to jail"I said I started crying "they were supposed to be happy about there great grandchild not call me names"I said "My dad wasn't all that mad he was just upset that I got pregnant at 5 months in the relationship and that he wasn't there to teach me right from wrong because that bitch never taught me"I said "But like I said Justin I'm staying with Maddie for a couple of days"I said "Okay that's understandable I guess since my grandfather being a pain in the ass"he said we kissed "I love you Justin"I said "Love you too"He said I went to get Maddie and my bag of clothes and we left.

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