Part 21

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Justin Bieber
Me and Maddie was here at the hospital with Cindy "Thanks for texting me" I told Maddie "She's my friend and trying to make Hailey happy don't sit right with me"Maddie said "Why would she want to make Hailey happy"Maddie asked "I don't know but I'll find out" I said soon Cindy woke up in pain "It's okay I'm here" I said I kissed her cheek "Our baby boy will be beautiful"I said "Please call my mom Maddie"Cindy said Maddie left out calling them "Why did you make Maddie take you over scooter house we are not going anywhere"I said "She loves you Justin"she said "But I want and love you"I said "ow"she said I rubbed her stomach soon a nurse came in "How are you feeling"she asked "My stomach is about to explode"Cindy said "How many months are you"she asked Cindy "I'm 7 months"Cindy said "Okay let me check you out for a bit"the nurse said she had Cindy to lay back while she put her hand on her stomach "I need to get a sonogram tech in"she said "What is something wrong with my baby"we asked "not quite he could be breached meaning he comes out foot first or he have the umbilical cord wrapped around the baby neck"he said Cindy looked so worried I held her hand "I just want my baby to be perfect"Cindy said "He's perfectly healthy"the nurse said "Just like a little glitch in the birthing process nothing wrong with him"he said I kissed Cindy head "I have to pee" I said to her and left to use the restroom then I went out the room for a min I seen Maddie sitting there "Are you okay" I asked "Yea"she said but I seen her face "Are you sure" I asked "This about Cindy giving birth not me" she said "Tell me what's going on" I said she had tears earlier "before we being Cindy here Hailey text Cindy phone" she said "What did she say" I asked "She threatened Cindy" she said "Like what" I asked she handed me the phone I seen the message she sent Hailey told her she would personally have her killed if she got in the way of her marry me i looked at Maddie "Don't worry I'll take care of it" I said she nodded I went to the room I put the phone in my pocket I held Cindy hand soon Maddie came in we sat with Cindy soon the nurse came back with the machine he raised up Cindy gown and put gel then he rubbed the stick on her and took pictures then after he was done he told Cindy to wipe off her stomach then he said he'll be back it took like almost an hour he came back "Baby boy is breached that's why you feel uncomfortable but he's turning on his own so it will be a while"he said then went to the baby station and got everything ready "This is for we can have everything ready so when he's coming but I'll be back Soon"He said then left out I put my timer on and waited Cindy looked at me "Babe"she said "Yes baby" I asked "I'm thirsty"she said I went by the sink putting ice they had for her in a cup then added water she sat up and took sips then she looked at Maddie Maddie had tears in here eyes still "Are you okay"Cindy asked "Yea I'm just happy that you having a baby"Maddie said an hour passed my mom came in along with Cindy mom they had gifts and cloths for the baby after talking and things for about an hour a doctor came in "Hello I'll be the one helping birth the new baby in the world" she said "I'm Dr.smith"she said after checking on Cindy and the baby"I think he's ready to come we are gonna lift the legs up and push when I say to okay"she Cindy nodded after pushing and grunting came from Cindy we heard a cry Cindy cried "My baby" she cried holding him they let me cut the cord after she held him I held him "Hey buddy" I said I brushed his nose with mine he smiled "Okay we have to clean him and give him a clean bath"the nurse said I nodded handing my child to the nurse after a while it was quiet I looked to see Cindy sleep I kissed her head then walked out I pulled her phone out and texted Hailey "Can we meet"I texted "For"she texted back "You texted me all that bs" I said "I'm pretty busy we can tomorrow"she replied back "No now or never" I texted soon the phone ring I seen she was calling I answered "Hey justy" she said then laughed "Don't talk just listen" she said "Your gonna be my husband your mine"She said "And besides there someone you should met so yea meet me"she said "I'll send you the location" she said then hung up I went back to the room I grabbed Maddie and dragged her outside "What" she said "Hailey said she wants to talk and someone I need to meet" I said "Did you use protection when you cheated with her"Maddie asked "Shit i don't remember" I said "Well there's your answer she got pregnant by that"she said "Shit" I said "Tell Cindy i went home to change clothes and shower I'll be back later" I said "Fine whatever" she said going in I went to the address Hailey sent me I knocked on the door and it opened a guy stood there "He's okay to come in"she said she left out then came back with a infant "Here" she said "He's your baby"she said then started to cry "I was so alone all by myself giving birth" she said "so yea you fucking owe me" she said "I pushed that out on that got damn floor 3 months ago" she said "You owe me so you becoming my husband helping me raise our baby" she said "And bedside my family never once did this they were married" she said "You know marriage before carriage" she said "So bow down to me and ask me"she said "I'm not asking you Shit" I said "Justin boo you don't understand me so how about I have someone go up to that hospital and end Cindy like I promised her" she said "You wouldn't want that on your hands" she said "You wouldn't"I said she got her phone out and showed me a picture it was a men who took a picture of Cindy sleep I grabbed my phone out my pocket but Hailey took it "Boo he told Maddie you sent him" she said laughing "Why are you doing this" I asked "Well because Justin you fucked me and think you have it that easy"she said "And let's not forget I was all alone birthing your child" she said "So YOU FUCKING OWE ME"she said snapping her fingers a men came getting the baby from me "So what do you say" she said there was a knock on the door the men opened it and Maddie came in with a guy "Hailey Baldwin your under arrest for attempted murder"the men said putting her in hand cuffs "I had to do something Cindy needs you" Maddie said "Get your hands off me do you know who my family is"she yelled as they took her "They will try coming after Cindy " I said "She's gonna have to get through us first "Maddie said I nodded "But let's go" she said "wait we need you two at the station"the men said "My girlfriend just gave birth to my kid I have to be there"I said "Well we can talk there"he said I nodded once at the hospital I seen Cindy breast feeding I went to her "We need to talk" I said to Cindy "About what" she asked I showed her the phone her smile faded "Why didn't you tell me she threaten you" I asked "Because it wasn't important" she said "You are my girlfriend my responsibility if anything happens to you how do you think I'll feel"I yelled "I was doing it to keep me alive" she yelled back soon he started crying "Mama sorry baby" she said to him she unlatched him and fixed her gown she put him In the crib she went to her bag going into the restroom "We not done talking"I said "Justin I obviously don't care about it anymore" she said "But I do she had someone come here trying to kill you" I said "Well he didn't get a chance too I know all your security team and he was new I know better than to think he worked for you without you telling me so"she said "So how did you get him out" I asked "I pressed the help button I knew he wasn't with us" she said "Besides Maddie was here why would I need a guard watching me when you supposedly went to take a shower he could have stood outside he was waiting for Maddie to leave so he could but she never did leave" she said I signed "Well there is a detective here" I said she came out the restroom "okay" she said going back to the bed she laid down then put on socks getting back in the bed "I love you Cindy I don't want anything happening to you" I said "I know Justin I love you too" she said soon there was a knock the detective came in we showed and told him everything about what Hailey said and did and he soon left cindy scooted on the bed and patted the side I went and laid with her "we should name him"I said she nodded "I like Justin or Austin" she said "Justin maybe Austin it wouldn't matter to me" I said she nodded she got a pen and paper and showed me I smiled "I never really had a thought about it but I like it" she said I nodded the baby started crying I went and grabbed him I laid with Cindy "Hey Justin baby" she said he looked at us and smiled "Aww" she said then started crying "My beautiful baby boy" she said I kissed her head there was a knock on the door "Hello I'm the nurse that will be doing the birth certificate" she said "Okay"Cindy said wiping her eyes "Sorry I was just overwhelmed by life"Cindy said "From a troubled person to a person with a boyfriend and kid"She said after they did the birth certificate she left out "Cindy we really need to talk" I said "Okay" she said "Hailey was pregnant" I said "She said that I was the father and that's why she wanted to marry me"I said "You know that's not why she wanted to marry you" she said tears came out her eyes "I just pushed our baby out so please stop telling me about her I'm tired of it" she said she laid down I put Justin in the crib I laid on the bed with her I heard sniffles "Babe" I said she started crying "Hey baby come here I'm sorry" I said "Just leave me alone please" she said "I love you" I said I kissed her cheek turn got out of bed "I'll be back" I said

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