Flight 143 (Harry Styles)

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Flight 143-

"Well that was the best vacation in the world of vacations!" I scream, trying to pull out a bag before putting it on the top holder, and sitting down at my plane seat. My hands grasped the bag that I was looking for, grabbing the 5 bracelets that I had gotten my family as a souviner.

"Abigale, what's that?" My mother asks, as I pull out the bracelets.

"I got all of us bracelets from the beach shop..." I carefully place one in my mother's hand. "Pass it on, ok?" I sharply order, as I put one on myself.

Finally I took my seat, and tried to relax. My back started to ache from the constant kicking from behind of my seat.

"Goodmorning. Flight 143 is about to take off, so if you would turn off any electronics that would be great. Make sure to put your seat belts on, sit back and enjoy" The flight attendant put the speaker back into it's place, and walked back to her own seat.

I felt too nervous to look outside while the plane started to move, it would make me too conscious about the height- which I'm terrified of.

"It's ok, Abigale, just relax. If you just go to sleep, you can wake up when we arrive. Just two hours of this will be over in a quickie" My mother, Sarah, cooed.

Her soft raspy voice calmed my nerves back into its place, as I let out a soft shaky breath. I lifted my hands, and without my consent, they were shaking.

"Thanks mom..." Suddenly I grew quiet, as a strong sensation grew inside of my core. "Mom, could you please tell those two dumbos to stop kicking my seat? All that they are doing is making my nerves go bad" My body turned to their direction, giggles echoed through my ears.

My eyes rolled, "Whatever, I'm going to sleep"

"Honey, tell Josie and Leroy to stop kicking Abigale's seat, its 'nerving her up'" My mother screamed over to my dad.

"Got it sweetums" He chorused back, and in a few seconds, finally, those two 7 year olds closed those mouths of theirs. Soon, my back felt at peace, instead of the sudden jerks of pain from the kicking.

"You feel safe now, Abigale?" I nod, as a sickening jolt came from my torso.

A burp spurted out of my lips."Mom...I don't feel so good" I struggled to say, with my breakfast shooting up from my stomach, making it's way to my throat.

My mother passed me the paper bag that was placed in a cabinet above our heads, and my hands quickly grasped the bag in anxiety. "Here you go, let it all out..." She cooed, rubbing my back as all of my breakfast flew straight out of my mouth to the bag.

"Thanks mom" I muttered, as I lifted my head from the bag and wiped my mouth from the leftover mess.

"No proble-" Suddenly, the plane jerked, making my head sharply hit the seat in front of mine.

"Mom!" I screamed, before I lost my sight.

It felt as if I was still there inside my own body, but at the same time I didn't. My soul was free, dancing at my own ground, but deep within I couldn't feel anything but pain.

Pain in my head, my legs, my...everything. My ears-I could still hear, that's a good thing. Maybe not as much, I could hear the descending of the plane, screeching like a whistle.

I wasn't sure if the screeching sounds was the screaming of the people fearing for their lives, or if it was mine. I don't know if I am even in control of my own body.

One thing for sure, my mother next to me fell silent. I was pretty sure that she was screaming before...but now she's not. Is that a good thing? Is she dead? What about dad, Josie, and Leroy?

Finally I caught my senses once again. Sight...I can see again. We are still falling, the air masks are hanging above my head. My head...it hurts. My hand gradually reached up to my forehead, feeling something warm, and squishy. Blood, my blood.

I caught my surroundings. My mother is laying next to me knocked out. From what I can see without turning my neck, there are still people screaming, and freaking out.

Something stood out. Let me take that back Someone. A boy with the most messiest curls I've ever seen, and green mesmerizing eyes. They were formed into a shape of freight, and I could hear his screams of agony.

"Niall!" The boy screamed. From what I can see, Niall is a boy with blonde hair, blood just squirting out of his head.

I quickly turn to the other side, and looked out at the window. Land was getting closer and closer...soon I could see the grass, and flowers. My eyes closed, taking in what felt like my last breath.

That's when Flight 143 crashed.

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