Chapter One

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Yugo suddenly heard footsteps, so he hurriedly put his hat on.

Looking where the footsteps were coming from, he saw two someones he was hoping to never see again...

Nox and Qilby.

Before Yugo could say a word, Qilby picked him up like he would a child, and brought him to the white dimension, opening a portal out of thin air. Then, for some reason, neither of them attacked, just sat there watching him.

Yugo had a strong feeling that neither of them were going to hurt him, so he just stayed where he was without struggling or screaming. He just waited, and watched.

Qilby walked up to Yugo slowly, like he was afraid that Yugo was going to attack. "Yugo, we don't mean you any harm, but we are going to leave you here for a while. We're sorry. We will be back in a week or so, and explain everything. Until then, don't panic." Yugo nodded, dumbstruck by what was going on. Nox and Qilby were being nice to him? Was this an alternate universe or something?

"Goodbye, Yugo." Nox said, right before they both left in one of Qilby's portals. Yugo settled down on the ground, still in shock from the abrupt kidnapping.

Adamaï was in his and Yugo's room, reading, when he felt Yugo's wakfu vanish suddenly. Frightened, he checked again, coming up with nothing. It was like he suddenly vanished from the world. Could he be...dead? Adamaï needed to tell the others. He ran downstairs as quickly as he could, scared half to death. He contacted the others using wakfu, and told them to meet him in the gardens. He told them it was an emergency. They could hear the panic in his voice.

By the time Adamaï arrived, everybody else was already there. Panicking, he told them the news about Yugo. The results were all the same : panicking. Amalia was screaming, Eva was crying, Dally was trying to comfort Eva, Rubilax, and himself, and failing, too, Ruel and Alibert looked really upset and were trying not to cry, and Adamaï was probably having the hardest time. After all, Yugo is his brother.

After a while, they all pulled themselves together, and started to think on what could have happened. They all had our own theories about what happened to Yugo. Eva, Dally, and Amalia were convinced that he was dead, Alibert and Ruel thought that he must be hiding, and Adamaï was of the opinion that he was in another world. They all sat down to discuss what to do. Adamaï had a feeling that Yugo is going to be fine. Now all that he can do is wait...

Yugo sat as still as could be, watching what looked like just another patch of white, but was the spot where Nox and Qilby would appear in. Yugo knew somehow that they would answer all of his questions. He still didn't know why they had kidnapped him, but they didn't seem to want to cause him any harm.

After about three minutes, a portal opened, and Nox and Qilby came out of it. They looked kinda scared, and wouldn't meet Yugo's eyes. He jumped up, and followed them. They went to an area that wasn't just plain white emptiness, with a table and chairs. Nox and Qilby sat down, and invited Yugo to sit with them.

After a minute, he spoke. "Sooo, um, why'd you bring me here?

Nox sighed, and looked to Qilby for help. Qilby looked uncomfortable, but he began anyways. "Yugo... We know your secrets." Yugo's eyes widened in shock at this. "All of them." He added. Yugo stared at him, mouth open, wings spinning, and a million questions in his mind. Shocked and scared, he started to cry, but to his surprise, Nox and Qilby hugged him.

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