capitolo 11 :: il cane muore

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(You've probably seen the dead dog post around the internet, but I thought it was so funny that I needed to put it in here, excuse my unoriginality)
Your distant newlywed cousin had asked you to dog-sit while they honeymoon in America. Why they had picked you? No idea. Maybe it was because you were single and had nothing better to do.

As they led the dog into your house, your cousin said, "And this is Flora!"

Flora, who was an old Labrador, looked about three steps down from death's door. The moment she walked into your house she made her way to the living room carpet, and collapsed, taking a nap.

"Don't worry about her. She gets tired often." Your cousin handed you the leash and made her way out the door. "We'll be back in a week! Goodbye!"

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out," you muttered, walking over to the living room. Flora was sound asleep on the carpet, but Sveta walked in, took one look at Flora, and walked right out.

"I'm gonna need to feed this stupid thing," you sighed, picking up your phone and your keys. You looked at Flora one last time before heading out to buy some dog food.

You knew about cat food, but nothing about dog food. So when you walked into the pet store, you made your way over to the nearest employee.

"Hi, do you know what type of food a Labrador would eat?" You asked, and the sales employee looked up, and gestured at the bags. "The one with the Lab on it is Labrador food." And with that, she walked away.

"Thanks for your help," you said sarcastically, looking at the huge bag of Labrador food. You picked it up and placed it onto your back, grudgingly heaving it up towards the front of the store to pay.
You returned to your house about 30 minutes later, heaving (once again) the bag out of your car's trunk and into your kitchen. Setting the bag down with a slam onto the wood floor, you slumped over a chair and let your shoulders breathe.

You walked over to Flora. "Wake up, Flora, I've got food." She didn't get up.

You tried pouring some of the food into a bowl, something that would make Sveta come rushing over...but it didn't work with Flora. Sveta did come rushing over, and as much as you hated to, you had to turn her away.

Finally deciding on shaking the dog up, you walk over to her once again and place a hand on her--

Oh god, she's cold. Like, dead-body cold.

You draw your hand away and gasp. "Don't tell me you're dead." Grabbing her by her front legs, you shake her violently, while yelling "Flora!" At increasingly loud volumes into her face. She still doesn't wake up.

You press your ear to her chest...and there's silence. "Oh, my god," you gasp, "she's dead. She's fucking dead."

Scrambling to your phone, you fumble with your contacts list before you press on one of them. "Please, pick up," you mutter to yourself as the familiar hum of the line echoes in your ear.


"Giorno, mycousin'sdogisdead."

"Y/n? Speak slower, I can't hear you--"

"My cousin's dog is dead!"

"...okay. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine! It's just that she dropped it off and wanted me to dog-sit it, and this thing is like, 13 human years old and it just died while I went out to get food for it and I don't know what to do with the body!"

"Okay, okay, calm down. You should take it to the vet."

"There's a vet two blocks down from where I live but I can't lift this dog alone."

"Do you want me to come over?"


"Give me 10 minutes."

"You're a lifesaver. Thanks."

The phone hangs up, and you put your hand on your chest in an attempt to calm your erratic breathing.

Ten minutes pass, and the moment your door rings, you dash to it and practically unhinge the door by the sheer force of you swinging it open. Giorno's standing there, somewhat concerned. "Where's the dog?"

You lead him to the living room where to dog lays. Giorno places his hand on her chest and looks up at you. "Yeah, It's dead."

You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Oh my god, my cousin is going to kill me. This thing was her childhood friend."

"It's alright, let's...just keep our cool," says Giorno, running a hand over his hair. "Do you have a suitcase or something we can roll it in?"
"How much does this dog eat?!" Asks Giorno, as you both attempt to carry the heavy suitcase into the back of his car. "Who knows?!" You reply, still freaked out. This suitcase was almost impossible to lift.

"Alright, all we have to do is take it to the vet and they'll be able to do something with it," you sigh, wiping some sweat off your forehead.

Giorno, whose neat hair is now disheveled, gives you a smile. "Let's make our way to the vet, shall we?"

You two didn't talk to each other the whole way down the hill, the tension of having a dead dog to deal with still thick in the air. The car even seemed a little slower with the weight of the animal.

Once you got the to the parking lot of the vet, you both looked at each other with dread as you attempted to unload the suitcase--

That is, until a man came seemingly out of nowhere, noticing your struggle with the luggage. "Do you need help?" He asks. You look at Giorno, and he shrugs, so you nod. "Sure, that would be great."

As the man attempts to lift the suitcase, he gives you both a look of...disgust? "This is heavy! What's in here?"

You and Giorno exchange looks once again. "Um, they're...Sssssss...sound systems. Like, stereos and stuff." Turning to Giorno for affirmation, he only shrugs once again.

The man shoots both of you a look before he heaves the suitcase onto his shoulders and takes off.

"Hey!" You cry, begging to run in his direction, before Giorno puts out a hand to stop you. "Don't run. It's not worth it, y/n."

"Oh, no. Oh, no." You moan, your hand coming to your mouth. Giorno chuckles, patting your back in assurance. "Imagine the face he'll make when he opens it."
Sorry about the filler chapters. Don't worry because I'm gonna be postin the actual good shit™ soon ok

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