capitolo 9 :: passeggiate notturne

Start from the beginning


He looks up, a tad embarrassed that he just fell into your arms. "...hello." You laugh as he straightens himself out. "Oh god, you scared me! What were you doing?"

"I seem to have tripped," he mutters, which is clearly a lie. Shrugging, you smile. "Um...since you're here, do you want to walk home with me? I mean, only if you want to--"

"Of course." He gives you that smile that makes your heart melt, and you two continue down the sidewalk.

The sound of heels clicking on the concrete is comforting as you two walk alongside each other, enjoying each other's company.

"What was your score today?"

You look up at Giorno. "Come again?"

"Your score. For your game, if I remember correctly?"

Oh, yeah. The perfume saleswoman getup. "Out of 1,000, I got 700, which is pretty good, if you ask me," you smirk. He chuckles. "Interesting."

"What about you? How was your day?" You ask him. He looks ahead, seeming to reminisce of something. "The printer broke and I ran around the city for three hours." You gasp playfully. "Oh, no!"

"Yeah, the whole office building burnt down," he joked, which made you laugh. "Well, did you get a printer?" He looks forward again, then back at you. "Hm? Yeah. Let's hope it doesn't break again, right?"

After a little while, his hand laces with yours, something that when you look up, he doesn't notice he's doing (judging by how he's keeping his eyes forward). Pleased by the sudden contact, you tighten your fingers around his, which causes him to look down at both your hands, then at you, and then he lets go.

"Sorry," he mutters, shoving his hands into his pockets. You hold out your hand, offering it to him. "Don't be."

Walking around, holding hands, and looking at the city lights: you couldn't have found a better way to spend the night.

"Hey, Giorno," you ask, your voice just above a whisper, and butterflies going crazy in your stomach. "Um, thanks for being so nice to me all the time, you know? I appreciate it." You grip his hand a little harder. "I appreciate your company."

"I do too," he says back. You laugh softly. "I bet you do. I turn a corner, and there you are!" You two share a laugh. "I guess I am everywhere, am I?" He looks down. "We're friends, right?" And you nod. "Of course, Giorno. We're definitely friends."

" can call me Gio."

You look up at him with a sly smile. "I assume that's not a nickname anyone can call you, huh?" He nods, returning the smile. "You should feel honored." Giggling a little, you say, "Trust me, I do, Gio."

You look up to see you're at the bottom of the hill. "Oh, well. I hate to depart so soon, but it seems that I'm home." He releases your hand. "Talk to you later?" You nod. "Talk to you later." And with one last wave, you make your way up the hill.

After looking back to make sure he wasn't watching, you skip up the hill feeling like a Disney princess.
"I'm home, Sveta! Hungry?" You call out, closing the door behind you. Her paws patter across the wooden floor, racing towards the promise of food.

As you pour the food into her bowl, the looks up at you and then uses her paws to pat at your chest. You push her back a little. "Sveta, your claws are going to rip my shirt!"

She meows in response, only to keep on pawing at your chest. "What? What?" You ask her, looking down at your jacket.


A single carnation is tucked into the lapel.

yeah that's all I have to say-Mom

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...yeah that's all I have to say

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