I know that it was to help him, make sure he doesn't hurt himself or others again, but I felt like I had stabbed him in the back. Like it was betrayal to his trust.

Then he would wake up after a while, and a lie would always flow out of my mouth about how he just fell asleep. He would always apologise after, saying he feels bad for not finishing the conversation. It stung when he would say sorry for nothing he did wrong. The guilt would always sit in the pit of my stomach.

After a while of this lifestyle, he was finally able to leave the white walled prison.

I had brought him a change of clothes to wear instead of the overseen hospital gown he was forced to keep on. First he had hesitated about wearing the abnormal colours, or to be franc, colours that weren't white. But in the end, I convinced him.

My shirt seemed larger on him since my shoulders were broader, same with the shorts since I seem to have a thicker body type than him. ( I'm talking about that jibooty XD)

Everyday my mom didn't have time to visit Taehyung while he was in the hospital, so she would always drop me off and leave.

When I brought him downstairs to the waiting area, she saw him again since the last time which is when he first woke up. Right there, she broke down into tears with a weak smile sneaking its way onto her face.

She had inched closer in an attempt to give him a hug, but he retreated further behind me. I gave my mom a puzzled look, but she seemed unfazed by his weird behaviour. After that, he stayed so close to me, gripping the hem of the back of my shirt in his fingers. I'm not complaining though.

When we were in the car, he stayed right under me, even when we reached home. He looked at the place with what seems like a scared expression, but I couldn't understand why.

Everywhere I went in the house, he followed. For the rest of the day, he was like a shadow, clinging to my body and lurking right behind. I didn't mind, until he attempted walked into the bathroom with me. I had to stop him when I was going to shower, trying so hard to not fall victim to his puppy dog gaze.

When I had finished, he was sitting on the couch with the TV off.

"What do you want to watch?" I question, walking over to him and trying to dry my damp hair with my one good hand.

"I don't know, you pick," he says, looking up to meet my gaze. "You're the host."

"But you're the guest." I say back, looking down at him, a little smirk forming on my face because I remember have a conversation like this before with him. (A/n: u probably don't remember it it's from chapter 14.)

"But it's you're house right, you should pick."

"Fine whatever, this talk feels like deja vu." I laugh, plonking down on the seat next to him.

"What do you mean?" He questions.

"Huh?" Is the first thing that comes out of my mouth.

"Have we had this chat before?" He ask, looking completely lost.

"Yeah, but nevermind then if you don't remember." I just say, giving up on the topic.

As I scroll through the movies on on demand, I recognise a familiar one I've watched with him before.

"What are we going to watch?" He questions, keeping his gaze on the screen.

That One Summer 《 Vmin 》Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora