Chapter 13 - Maxwell POV

Start from the beginning

"Of course, your Majesty. I will see to it that she is on the first ship home when I return."

He doesn't know how pleased I am to see the back of that bloody woman.
It's him after all that's been trying to match make us for months to unite England with Spain.

He's tactfully forced her presence upon me under the guise of diplomacy and the only reason I've allowed it to continue is because he is king.

He truly thinks I'm falling love with the woman, when in reality she repulses me. She may be beautiful on the outside but on the inside she is rotten to the core.

"Good good" he clasps his fingers together and proceeds to stalk around me, clearly trying to appear nonchalant. It's an act that I can see straight through.

He may be the king but he is not so adept at the intricacies of politics and I see clearly through his ruse. He may have the best of intentions and I can tell that he honestly thinks that Alice is a catch but he doesn't know her like I do.

"So, am I to assume that wedding bells are on the horizon when she returns?" he asks and I have to concentrate on keeping a neutral face.

"Well I don't know about that yet your majesty. We have only known each other for a short time and I wouldn't want to distract her from her diplomatic mission for you."

"Nonsense Maxwell! There is nothing that I would like more, than for one of my most loyal subjects to be happy and settled...and if it just happens to cement my alliance with Spain...well then it will be an added benefit" he smiles and sits again.

My disgust at the thought of marrying Alice nearly spills onto my face and I reach for some food to disguise it.

"Come...Let us toast to our success in this, and all future ventures Max." he gestures and holds his glass up.

I reach for mine and raise it into air attempting a smile before taking a larger than necessary swig.

"So now that we have taken care of business, tell me, how was your journey?"


Several hours and several large jugs of mead later, I am stumbling back to the Inn that I usually use when visiting London.

The king has often invited me to use one of his many spare rooms but I prefer to be near the men, keeping them out of trouble.

It's raining lightly and my Armour and Chainmail are starting to weigh me down as I try to remember the way in my drunken stupor.

I manage to recognise a monument and topple through the doorway of the Inn landing at the feet of Alexander.

"Woah there...Looks like someone's had a fortuitous evening with the King?" he sniggers as he pulls me up from the floor and deposits me onto the nearest bench.

"You could say that..." I grumble, as I run my hands down my face trying to will away the weariness. "Where are the men?"

"Don't worry, no fights as of yet. However, the night is still it not?" he smiles teasingly.

Alexander is my oldest and most loyal friend; we grew up together and have fought in many battles, side by side.

There is no other person alive that I trust more than him, he is like a brother to me.

His look is full of mischief and I can't help but smile back, despite how exhausted I am, as he sits down next to me.

His gaze pans around the room discreetly and he lowers his voice so that only I can hear him, suddenly all business.

The Accidental Countess (Forever His Series Book one)Where stories live. Discover now